A LOT of us here at cr20 are bloggers. How inspirational would it be to find out how we all got our start?

Here is mine.

In the fall of my third year of teaching high school I had already become "that guy". It was a title I picked up in college for being that guy that people would ask all of their computer relate questions to. Though back then it revolved more around getting around the extremely strict filters our school had in place, but a few also asked questions about educational things. Now being a teacher, I was being asked simple questions about PowerPoint, projectors, email and such. I was advising a lot of my colleagues and decided on a whim one night to buy a domain name and begin putting all of educational tips on a website. It's seven months later and I have learned a great deal more than I had ever expected. It has introduced me to a lot of great people around the world, and has taken me to some very great places. I can only imagine what the coming months will bring.

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In my case, my first blogging experience was a result of my Masters in Instructional Technology program. One of the professors made us all start a blog and then made it part of the class requirements to post comments about our readings, research, and projects on our own and on other participants blogs. It's still the blog I use today for professional development purposes! If you visit my blog and look for the oldest posts, you'll see those early assignments. http://www.tech4esl.blogspot.com
I like questions like this! I have been offically blogging since January of this year, because of my masters program in Instructional Technology. My experience has been very similiar to that of Barry's, right down to the way we participated in assignments. I had also tried once before with the Discovery Educator Network, but it never really went anywhere. I very much like using blogger and I have already started using my blog for work too. Here's my blog: http://darciep.blogspot.com
I actually hate to write so that wasn't a draw! I decided to start a blog for my students and realized there were things I wanted to say that I could not say there, so I started my own blog. I liked it so I started another one to share my passion. I'm only working 2 more years--then I'll find something else to do---will probably not include writing. :)

I've heard a lot of people say that they started blogging because of their advanced degree classes... I haven't gone for my masters though I need to in the fall, wonder if I can get an honorary degree since I already have a blog :)


WOW! A blogger from the nineties!! You are probably the oldest blogger I know. When you started to talk about your own publishing medium, I definately thought you were going to say that you sold it to google and it became blogger or something. And you are right, it is cool to recount these stories... I hope this thread keeps going.

Nancy... Three blogs (and each with their own great title) and you hate writing... I wonder how many blogs you would have if you loved it... or at least liked it!
Yeah definately sounds like a case of bad timing. Now you just need to get a job at countrywide.
Scott, I'm a talker. I talk in sound bytes, parentheticals, cliches, rants, and snippets. When I write it sounds just like that! I have to admit my writing has improved with all this blogging--instead of writing like a 5th grader I now write like a 6th grader! Have a great weekend, N.
I don't know about an honorary degree...(that would be cool), but I do know of a certificate program in instructional technology-that's completely online. George Mason University, where I'm getting my masters offers this too-I saw some of your other posts and that you have been looking for a program. This might be the next step! Good luck!
I'm pretty new to blogging. Well, to continuing a blog past 3 entries. I was the kid who bought and started a couple of journals a year, but always lost interest after writing a few times. So, I'm trying again because a few weeks ago I felt the need to write a manifesto of sorts and didn't know what to do with it after I'd written it. So far my readership includes my sister, my husband, and my mom. Actually, I'm not sure my mom really read much. And, one person who deserves to be mentioned by name, Greg Smith, who came by after I left a comment on his blog and wrote me a very thoughtful response that had me walking a little lighter and taller for the rest of the day! Thanks Greg!
Sarah, I was the same way-I loved writing stories as a child, but hated the thought of journaling! I got so many journals/diaries as gifts and I didn't know what to do with them. For me, blogging is so different...when I find something really cool about technology and education and want to share it, no one cares except those I work with. So I really focus on sharing those ideas within my blog and getting another teacher to learn a little more about web 2.0. I don't know how many people actually look at it, but I feel I'm doing my part.
I started blogging 8 months ago, as I had applied for a grant from our education department, which required me to use some web2.0 tools. Blogging sounded like a good one to use, and it started mapping out and journalising my ejourney with generation Y. Now, I love blogging and wish I had more time to post more often. http://murcha.wordpress.com
I'm a technology resource teacher for two buildings--71 teachers and 1,000 students. We were told that blogging was not an option, and that teachers would also be encouraged to start blogs in their classrooms. After I went through training, I realized the benefit of it. If I hadn't been required to do it, it never would have happened! It's good to be pushed out of our comfort zones into the 21st century!
Ha. Thats funny.. We were told that blogging was not an option too.. Except that it meant NO! I haven't quite yet convinced the right people to get it allowed. Oh well.



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