I decided to test out the blog and forum functions on Classroom 2.0 and the first topic I wanted to address was individualizing instruction for all kids, not just those with disabilities. Is this possible? Too difficult to implement or something we all should strive towards?

Mine or Someone Else's blog post that addresses this topic

Tags: atrisk, individualizedinstruction, schoolreform

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You might want to look at the work of Karen Henke, who has started a blog on "Long Tail Learning" that might be right up your alley. http://www.longtaillearners.com/

I think this is going to be a fascinating area of discovery, but not without growing pains!

Thanks Steve. Glad to hear from you on my first post. I know you recently discussed our Odyssey of the Mind Ning network with Glenn Moses. Look forward to finding you at EdubloggerCon in San Antonio.
I teach gifted kids so differentiated instruction is something I know well and feel strongly about. Differentiated instruction is different than individualizing for each kid. In a nutshell, in a differentiated classroom the same content is taught. How the kid makes sense of what is taught and what the kid does with (shows understanding) the knowledge is what is differentiated. Each kid makes sense of the lesson and completes products/activities based on ability, interest and learning preference. If you are interested in learning more read the work of Carol Ann Tomlinson University of Virginia.

Even in AP and Honors classes the sense-making and product can be differentiated. I'm sure I'll be long-retired before this takes place--but good luck. N.
Hi Cory,

I posted and presented on this last fall. I certainly believe in the benefits of both individualized and differentiated (as in Nancy's post) instruction.

I think that the most difficult thing is time. We do what we have time to do. Most of us can't change what we do, because we are spread so thin (even if change will alleviate this down the road). Therefore, I encourage people to make incremental changes. Start out by varying input. Add different forms of media and/or interactions to classes. Implement technologies that increasing require students to engage with the materials and concepts to produce artifacts. Do plenty of assessment paired with purposeful groupings to either focus feedback to those groups who need it most or group with more able peers to help fill in the gaps.

Just some suggestions, all small things that can be done incrementally to ease the burden on both teachers and students.

You can access the presentation and short conference paper at http://iucall.blogspot.com/2007/11/using-web-20-technologies-to-del...

The paper contains a short literature review that you might find useful. Certainly not exhaustive, but a good start.

@ Daniel- I'm definitely talking about differentiated instruction but I think it goes a little bit further. Both our methods of teaching and the options we allow for assessment have to available for change and be personal to the student. I give students options, not just options though, but opporunities to complete my work in any number of methods. I provide them choices on how they want to complete work that includes Web 2.0 tools so that they can be really creative, but I also allow the students to present me with ideas.

I also give students choices on assignments. They can select from a list in some cases, in other cases they present me with their alternatives.

Students help form the class to fit their needs, and I try to do the same.
Cory, Thank you, all of your kids will thank you. N.
Hi Cory,
I am doing some work with teachers in Switzerland, Australia and the UK in this area. We are using a neurodevelopmental framework as a way of individualizing instruction for all students in the classroom.

I hope this helps.




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