Looking for outstanding resources dealing with Internet safety for k-8 students. Presos, sites, info, ideas, whatever you've used or would suggest. I'm looking to build a district wide presentation on the topic as well as adopt/create a curriculum for my district. Thanks for any help you might be able to provide.

Tags: Internetsafety, cyberbullying, help, safety

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I am currently in the same boat as you. Here are some sites I have been browsing.

I like this rule/poster, http://www.safekids.com/kidsrules.htm
Our California Technology Assistance Project website has an entire section devoted to cybersafety.
There have been a lot of workshops surrounding this recently... and the site includes cybersafety posters, too.
Also, you may want to check out ISTE's publication called "Ethics, Etiquette, and Safety" We are a high school district, and the book seems a bit geared toward the elementary side.
This issue has been discussed here at Classroom 2.0, do a search for "internet safety" or "cyber safety" and you might find a ton of great resources.
Thanks Nancy,
I have looked at what is here and it's good, but mostly by the same person and not exactly what I'm looking for. I do appreciate what is coming however, and really would like work that has been created or lessons/curriculum that is implemented. Thanks
I use the You Can't Take It Back (Cyberbullying) and Amy's Choice (Internet Safety) videos from NetSmartzTeens with my Middle Schoolers. Very powerful for that age. I've also used Tracking Teresa (Keeping Personal Information private) and Everyone Knows Your Name which was particularly good for teaching about My Space Internet Safety. Googling any of these titles will bring up the resource links.
I acquired lesson materials after completing isafe.org online course. I used the isafe materials with 7th & 8th grade students and had them create a podcast about cyberbullying. The scenarios that came with the isafe materials were age appropriate and relevant. Another site about bullying in general that I use with primary and intermediate is http://stopbullyingnow.hrsa.gov/index.asp.
Erik, I don't know if this article in the new NEA magazine would help. The article mentions powerful online videos which may have been reference elsewhere in this discussion.
There is a newly formed group of educators called Advocates for Digital Citizenship, Safety, and Success focused on this very issue. You can find helpful links and info at:

Keep them coming. This is really helpful. As is likely the case with most of you, I'm very much working alone on many tech fronts. The help is really appreciated.
Videos Related to Digital Citizenship Topics:

Here is a Wikispace that I created for my students about Digital Citizenship I think it has some good resources. I hope that this helps somewhat.
Hi Erik,
I had Internet safety training last year. Check out
Also check out

I hope this helps.



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