Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello Art and welcome to the site. I am sure you will find much to keep you interested and occupied.
Thank you, Anne. I am sure that you are right about that. Looks like a great site and an active community.

(By the way, my post should have said consultant for Moodlerooms, not Moodlers.)

Nice to be here. :-)

Best regards,
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say hello and say a big thank you for those who got this site started. I think there are countless opportunities to employ education technologies within my school district.

There are absolutely countless opportunities here and I love the fact that so many members come from so many countries, cultures and backgrounds but we all have a common purpose. I still keep coming back to see what the latest discussions are about and there is always something new to be learnt or shared.
Hi, I just stumbled on this wonderful blog/forum and decided to sign up. I teacher K-5 students media literacy skills. I also collaborate with open and willing classroom teachers to integrate the skills learned with their classes. Available planning time is often the issue. I live in the Northeast and save retired greyhounds. I have four of my own names, Mystery, Lion (Cowardly Lion), Webster, and Wizard. Yes, the names were picked...their racing names were worse. How about Redbud Diablo. Well I guess that;s me, except that I am outgoing, peppy, serious yet laugh and joke a lot too. Lastly, I'd rather buy books than clothes or food. It's a sickness ....OCD for bookworms. LOL Have a GREYT weekend, Wisteria
Hello Wisteria, I like your sense of humour and welcome to classroom20. You will find lots to keep you busy here, so enjoy your time looking around and enjoying all the online material that can be found here.

Hi Anne...I'm just getting back...sorry for the delay. I had a family wedding that was somewhat princess like. I kept looking for the fairy godmother to flitter down from the ceiling, until I realized I was the "Fairy God Mother." Actually, it was an awesome wedding on Cape Cod. Where are you from? I am excited about this site. I am a member of NING. I have a book blog
and a tech blog..sort of in a prenatal stage. You can look at it though. I would love your opinion if you wouldn't mind.
Talk soon....thanks for responding. Nice to meet you.
Welcome John! I have just started learning about all of these things myself. I am trying to familiarize myself with the technology, as well as figure out how it can help my middle schoolers learn to read, write , speak and listen better in English.
Hello John, I love all the tools you have mentioned - blogs wikis, nings etc but even though there is so much to learn, they are powerful learning tools and if you take small steps with someof them, you will soon realise the applications for classroom use. However, the learning will continue on, as new tools and ways of using them are discovered. Welcome to this wonderful classroom!
We just launched and it is the first social student-2-student learning network with rich media and an extremely easy to use interface. It also has a full featured Facebook widget for your students to access direct class and tagged video feeds. You may contact me direclty at
You are so fortunate to be able to use facebook. Unfortunately it is blocked in our school.
Facebook is blocked in our school also. We have a prohibitive network, but sometimes it is because of the old infrastructure. We are in the process of upgrading at the high school, then it will filter down to the middle and elem. When we all try to do too much video streaming ....CRASH. When we have some sites blocked, fortunately I am a media specialist and I have the liberty to unblock if I think it is ok. Ahhhhh...I just love the power.
NOT just kidding. It really is a pain. We have to teach our students to be more media aware because these messages they see will only get worse not better. Ok...I'll step off my box.



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