I just tried out the new online doc editor from Adobe called buzzword. The app itself isn't that cool, google docs and zoho are much better, but it does have a very nifty meeting feature that allows you to share your screen, chat, use video, and so forth.

It's not much different than the elluminate app. used for discussions on CR 2.0, but it's got a little simpler interface. Adobe seems a little late to the game with all this, but I think it might have potential. Anyone else tried this?

Tags: documents, meetings, videoconferencing

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Personally I found that I love buzzword more than google docs. I don't know it's the flash and the look. So stylish. I use it often.

I've used it for school work and work projects. I've shared them with co-workers when working on revising copy and things.

For school it's great as I don't have MS Word and I just save as. I guess I could do that with google docs but something about buzzword I just find the layout and everything more user friendly.
I, too, have used Buzzword. Love the idea of it and can't wait to offer it as an option in the classroom. With restrictions on emailing and using jumpdrives, it comes as an alternative for students who want to create/work at home AND access at school. It could even serve as an editing format for students. I look forward to using it for the upcoming school year. For now, I just create docs. to share with other folks.

I have to look into the "meeting" component you speak of, Mike. Might be an option for collaboration beyond the confines of the classroom.

And Heather, I dig the look of buzzword. I'm a marketing target for certain; if it's flashy, I'm in :)



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