I recently came across a few long-standing blogs that never crossed my path during my Google searches, and I was thinking that a Classroom 2.0 discussion about blog-sharing might be helpful, since we are members of "the social network for educators using collaborative technologies".

If you have a blog you'd like to share, either your own, or one that you'd recommend, post a reply with a link to the blog, the author's name, the focus of the blog, and perhaps a few words about why you find it interesting or useful.

Update: Follow me on Twitter
Here are my blogs:

Interactive Multimedia Technology

I have another blog that I use to post my reflections about what I'm learning in my mid-life journey as a computer/tech student:
The World Is My Interactive Interface

(I changed the name of the blog to reflect my current topics.)

Update 6/15/10
It has been a very busy school year!  The exciting news is that one of my schools has a multi-touch SMARTTable, and every classroom has an interactive whiteboard.  The teachers worked very hard to ramp up their IWB skills and I'm amazed at how quickly this interactive technology was adopted.    Of course, interactive applications and websites are pretty awesome on a huge screen or display!    The best part is that this technology has opened up the minds of a good number of students with severe autism characteristics.

In April, I participated in a workshop at ACM's 2010 CHI conference. The topic of the workshop focused on the next generation of human-computer interaction and education.

I also joined the SparkOn group, "a social platform for people that are sparked (inspired) by creative and emergent technologies"

Tags: 2.0, Classroom, blog, blogging, collaborating, edublog, networking, odiogo, sharing, social, More…technology, web

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Hello Tokunbo I went to your page and I see that you are from Nigeria. Do your students have computers? Do they learn English? I have found that blogging has lots of advantages. When we first started, it was just another tool, so that students wrote in their blog rather than on a piece of paper. They love writing on their blog and I found that they wrote a lot more than if they used paper. For students who cannot write very well, they can add photos or images to help say what they want to say.
Now that they have blogged for 4 months or more, they are meeting people from across the world and as they have people reading their blogs, this makes them want to write more. They can share their knowledge, their ideas and their education and love learning from each other or other students their own age. They love having the equal of their own web page. I hope that I have used words that you understand.
Goto http://flurogreen.globalstudent.org.au (a 15 yr old) or http://her0001.globalstudent.org.au/ a 12 yr old or http://skippy.globalstudent.org.au/ They learn so much from each other and I as a teacher have learned to understand the students better as well. How can we help you? How many students do you have? What ages are they?
Tokunbo Fasanmi--
You really should start a blog with your students. Simply, blogs network ideas for us. There is no better way to think than when networked. Rigor, relevance, relationships--my three R's--are developed much more in my classes thanks to our blog. Your students hav life experiences worth sharing, just like mine. Feel free to take any of my ideas, please-- http://scholarlynx.blogspot.com
The best way to see the benefits of blogs is to google your desired subject area and the word "blogspot"--I've had a lot of success finding examples and adopting ideas.
You'll find that people on Classroom 2.0 are very willing to help; my blog has improved drastically in just a couple weeks. As you think of specific questions, send/post them to us, please.
My husband and I started our own blog very recently... so it's still growing. Tim is in instructional technology at the higher education level and I'm an ITRT at a middle school in public education. www.changinged.com
Thanks for sharing your blog.
Here are a couple of blogs that I read on a daily basis:

And my blog
About my problems with NCLB and government interfering in the classroom.

I have just begun experimenting w/ a blog of my own - designed to help other teachers learn about all of the valuable resources available.

Ms. J's Instructional Technology Page

I'm planning on starting a blog w/ my students this year, so hopefully I will be able to share that soon. I have really enjoyed checking out some of the blogs posted in this discussion - thanks for sharing!
Hey, this is a great idea! Here are some educational blogs that I contribute to, all dealing with education at different levels (from preschool up through college).


Be sure to check them out!
Great list! I'm just finding it 7 months after your original post. It might take me that long to read all these great blogs.

I about special education in the early childhood years blog at:
Hi, Michelle.

It is amazing how many people have shared links to their blogs! I have learned so much from them- I can't keep up with them all as much as I'd like. I use my blogs as my on-line filing cabinets. Less clutter in my house and in my head!

I agree how amazing it is on how many people have shared! Blogging is becoming very popular.

Here are my blogs:

http://settingthestandard.ning.com (you have to join to see this one...but well worth it!)

Thank you for starting this blog!

Heidi Taylor



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