Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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I am from Seattle, WA - where it is actually sunny at this moment! I am the Academic Tech Dir for a 6-12 independent school. Our high school kids all have their own laptops. Our middle school has 6 laptop carts and an independent lab - with that they are almost two to one. We are moving fully to Moodle for next year for posting of assignments and grading. About 70% of our classes are already using Moodle.
We are encouraging teachers and students to explore all the possibilities of using best practices - not tech for tech sake. I appreciate the thoughtful conversations and advice I have seen on this site!
Vicki Butler
Seattle Academy
High School science teacher from Georgia in the U.S. looking for other friends who are possibly teachers too.
Hello from Lostine, Oregon, USA.
I manage the technology (all of it) for the four school districts in Wallowa County. I'm hoping to either start our own Ning community, or perhaps have some of the more technical teachers join here.
We have to compete with myspace somehow...
Hi there. I am Lisa Parisi, grade 5 teacher from Long Island, New York. While I am by no means new to teaching or technology, I am new to social networking. Looking forward to linking up with other teachers and their classes!
Hello. My name is Jeremiah and I am a first year teacher. I ended up getting a job as the computer lab teacher at a small private school in Northwest Indiana. I want to be a regular classroom teacher next year and am currently looking for a new job in Illinois and Indiana. I am looking forward to using these new tech skills that I am just now learning about into my next job. I have a lot to learn but I can clearly see the potential.
Hi, I'm Joanne Hammond. I'm just getting into this social networking thing, and I'm torn between being fascinated and wondering whether it's too much info. Anyway, I'm from south central Pennsylvania and I'm here!
Heather "Ageing Geek" Burleson here. (No, that's not misspelled, but the British spelling :) ) I'm a middle school Tech teacher in Texas, working as hard as I can to help my students and my fellow teachers discover ways to integrate tech in their learning.

I follow many of you in your blogs, and look forward to learning more about best practices (while getting some great ideas) here in Classroom 2.0.
Hi All!

I'm Christine Southard and I'm a special education teacher for a 5th grade collaborative (inclusion) class on Long Island, NY, U.S.A. My co-teacher and I have found that Web 2.0 applications are real motivators for ALL of our students and that Web 2.0 is changing the way they learn.
Hi Christine

What kind of tech has been most successful for you?

I teach sixth grade, so I am always looking for some tips.

The Web 2.0 application with the most immediate feedback for the students has been blogging. You can check out our site @ In addition to blogs, we've podcasted with the students and we created a class video too.

Web 2.0 means different things to different people. To me, any technology where the students are interacting/manipulating the information online, they're Web 2.0.-ing.

We also have a SmartBoard so the students are very familiar with the software and how to create their own presentations in Notebook. They're pretty tech savvy for 5th graders.
"I have found that Web 2.0 applications are real motivators for ALL of our students and that Web 2.0 is changing the way they learn."

Can't wait to hear more from you!
Hello from Baltimore, Maryland, USA. I'm an education admin in a program for gifted students K - 12. Before I surged to the level of my incompetence, I was a teacher of writing in the same program. I got here by way of Steve's Facebook group, Classroom 2.0. I got there by way of Doug Eyman, who knows me from a list called TechRhet (, which is where a lot of people migrated when ACW-l, the list for the Alliance for Computers and Writing, went the way of the 486.

I'm here to learn.



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