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My name is Tim Owens and I'm married to Emalee Owens. I work in IITS at Longwood University in Farmville, VA and I am currently obtaining my masters in Instructional Technology from Virginia Tech. My wife and I blog at Changing Ed and I regularly do videocasting over there was well.
Sounds like a worthwhile blog to look at Tim. Hope you like it here.
My name is Debra Giannone. I am the librarian at Long Island Lutheran Middle and High School. My administrators have decided that I should take a more active role in the technology at my school. When they first asked me I was a little nervous but now I that I have learned about some web 2.0 tools I think I will be OK.
Hi Debra,
I'm sure you will be fine! There is a lot of info and ideas here in Classroom 2.0 for you to try out. You can also follow people in their blogs and on twitter to learn more.
Helen :-)
I've been a member of Classroom 2.0 since last summer but haven't made the time to visit too often.
Since things are a bit lighter for a while, I think that I'll spend some more time throwing in those 2cent pieces.
Fantastic! Look forward to hearing what you are doing.
Hello! My name is Cathy! I am a second grade teacher in the state of Pennsylvania. I learned about Classroom 2.0 after taking an online graduate course in E-Learning. I am a relative newbie to web 2.0 but look forward to exploring the possibilities with my students.

I love to colloborate with other elementary school teachers and look forward to learning and growing together in our experiences.

Welcome Cathy. I was a newbie less than 8 months ago. This is a great place to start out and learn what others are doing.
Hello I am Desiree from Hobbie, PA ( a town w/ a population of less than 50). I am a chemistry teacher of 7 years and an avid horse woman. I love to laugh and will incorporate it into my classroom at every possible opportunity. Looking forward to becoming part of classroom 2.0.
Just browsing to learn about classroom 2.0
This is Susan and I live in Oregon. I'm a 4th grade teacher .
Hi My name is Kelly Graham and i am a principal in Northern CA and I was recently introduced to this by Steve. Thank you Steve! What a great resource! I am always looking for expertise on getting our school to impact our JHS students globally and I am finding much here to help our staff move forward.
I am also the National Director For the Center For Teacher Effectiveness and we are always looking for more presenters in the area of Classroom Management. This is for Educators only to do and is a way to put your expertise to use, train teachers, and yes make some extra dollars for yourself while still teaching. If you are interested in knowing more please don't hesitate to contact me here. You may also visit me on the web at In the meantime if anyone has experience in moving their staff forward in creating an environment that emphasizes Global Lesson design I would love to hear about it!
Thanks. Kelly



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