Which Social Bookmarking sites allow for grouping of bookmarks
into Folders or Categories or Groups? (Not tags)
One we found is "BuddyMarks".
Any more?

Tags: bookmarking

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That is neat. I clearly should have played with bundles sooner. Do you know if the bundles still work properly when you embed your tags into another web page?
Yes. The bundling doesn't affect the function of the tags, it just provides another way of looking at groups of tags. And since the advantage of tags is that they don't rely on a linear folder/subfolder system, you can put a tag into several different bundles without any problems.
Thanks for this idea.

I use ikeepbookmarks (I upgraded from the free version for faster and add-free service) basically because it's organized into folders. I can understand folders better than tags. And I think my 5th graders understand folders better, too. Especially when the homepage of my ikeepbookmarks page is a set of folders and the kids "drill down" into the folders to find links. Check out our 5th grade ikeep homepage here: http://www.ikeepbookmarks.com/browse.asp?folder=1336620

I have a delicious account but it just doesn't work for me. I still have my head in folders and not tags. Maybe I'm just used to it??

Anyway, the "bundling" idea seemed intriguing. I bundled a few of my delicious tags and, yes, I see how it acts like a folder. BUT a lingering problem I still have is when I want to "tag" (add) a link to delicious I can't choose an existing tag or bundle to add the link to. It seems like I have to remember a tag or bundle I have and key it in. This is where iKeepBookMarks is so much better for kids (and me!) . When they want to add a link (using a similar IE pop up feature) they can choose from a drop down window which existing folder to save it in to or create a new folder. From what I can see, delicious does not have that feature, right?

Granted iKeepBookMarks is a bit buggy at times and it does not have folder specific RSS feeds. I really want to move to something else, but. . . .
I used Ikeepbookmarks for several years but then changed to diigo because of all the additional features. It doesn't allow for folders (which I would prefer) but you can make lists which can function like a folder.
Did your ikeepbookmarks upgrade get you any less downtime of the site ? We've been using it for 2-3 years as the home page for all our student computers, but the site is down so often (or running like molasses) that we're starting to get a little frustrated w/ it.
From which Social Bookmarking site, taking backup of bookmarks, links, categories, bundles, folders, etc. is possible & easy and the backup files can be ported to create in Favourites in browsers like IE, Opera, FireFox. Please share your experiences.
I use del.icio.us.

This week however, I was "clicking around" and on the home page of http://del.icio.us, where one might look to see what sites were bookmarked by other members recently and the second entry was a porn site. I emailed del.icio.us. They were very nice, but explained that bookmarking porn sites, as long as the models were over 18 (even though the comments said "teens") was not against their policy.

Kinda changed my mind about del.icio.us for students. Kids will click around when they can, and I could certainly imagine a student clicking on the home page, seeing entry for the porn site.....and you know the rest.
Have you tried to make a swicki buzz cloud with Eurekster?
I've tried Google Notebook, but find it kind of cumbersome. Furl seems to be a good choice.

I like delicious for my own use--it's easy to bookmark things.

Also, pageflakes is an option to consider. It's sort of a different thing, since it brings in RSS feeds from news sites and blogs, but it has an area to import your favorites and display them along with the other feeds.

They just rolled out a new student Pageflakes, also.
Gordon, if you install one of the Firefox extensions for del.icio.us, you'll get suggested tags from your own collection of tags, as well as from the whole del.icio.us universe. Once you type a letter or two, you get a short list to choose from. For example, if you type "ed" you'll get all your tags that start with those letters. Then you just arrow down and hit enter to choose one.
Thanks, Tom. But, alas, the school would never venture from IE.
Our Dist. Tech Dept. is deleting Firefox from all student computers, because it's an open source program, & the high schoolers are writing code for it that gets them past the district filter so they can access inappropriate sites. Open source is great, but it leaves the district vulnerable to security issues. I realize that the ultimate answer to this is training students in "acceptable use" standards, & maybe monitoring their use more closely (how? they're prob. writing code that deletes the history of their session), but unfortunately when you're dealing w/ HS kids there's always gonna be a few goofballs screwing things up for everybody else.



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