I'm Stephanie Cheney an Instructional Designer at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, MA. My background as a k-12 Technology Integration Specialist really informs my work with faculty as I've transition to higher ed. I'm really interested in talking and learning about the process of seamless laptop integration. Looking forward to growing my network!!
Hi. My name is Kim Estes. I work in Burleson, Texas. I used to be the secondary instructional technology specialist, but our dept. has been absorbed into Curriculum & Instruction and now I'm an instructional coach. My twitter id is mamaestes.
Hello! My name is Steve Sokoloski. I am the PK-4 Technology Coordinator for the Mansfield Public Schools. Mansfield is the community that is the home of the University of Connecticut. I serve three schools each with about 225 kids. We have a new project this year. You can read all about it at http://mansfield20.wikispaces.com
I work for Burleson ISD in Burleson, TX. Currently, I am the Elementary Instructional Technologist for the district. I was just made aware of the fact that I will be moving into the Curriculum and Instruction department starting on Monday.
It's wonderful to see that so many of you in the Twitter and Classroom 2.0 networks felt the benefit of making new connections face-to-face in our sessions and that those not yet immersed in a PLN can now see the benefit of joining one.
I'm looking forward to continuing the conversation.
Hi my name is Michelle Pacansky-Brock. I am an online art history and art appreciation instructor at a community college in Rocklin, CA. I facilitate workshops on emerging technologies for my colleagues and other educators throughout California. I'm very passionate about the power of web technologies to build community. Check out my recent presentation, What's The Buzz?, done in pecha kucha style.
I am putting a class together right now on Building Online Community and I'd love to leverage some of your great ideas!