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I'm Kathy Gryta. I'm a native of Houston Texas, but now living in Buda (between Austin and San Marcos) Texas. After a brief stint teaching high school Physics, Geology, and Computer Science back in the 80's I resurfaced as an elementary campus technologist in 2002. After doing that for a few years I moved up to working with middle school teachers, and I feel like I've found my niche. I act as a technology mentor, trainer, coach, and troubleshooter for my campus, as well as handling their campus web page. It's something different every day, and I love it!
Hi, I'm Melissa and I'm located in Minnesota. I work for the Osseo School District (in the twin cities). I am working with technology integration - the tech support side. I'm interested in all of these great web 2.0 resources and web based applications. Communities like these are a great place to collaborate. I wish more teachers in our district participated in these great communities.
Hi, I'm a third grade teacher in Maryland. I've been highly focused on meeting the needs of "digital natives" during my career. Recently, I moved on from teaching second grade. We used Nings and Wikis like crazy and my students thoroughly enjoyed working collaboratively online with a class in Thailand. I'm looking for other like-minded educators and any fabulous ideas you might have!
Hi! I am Lynn Casey. I am very new to Classroom 2. 0 and using Web 2.0 tools. Beginning this school year I will be the media specialist at a school in which I have been working (as an English teacher) for the past 10 years. I learned about Classroom 2.0 through a course I am taking for my EdS. I am very interested in getting information/advice from anyone about how to introduce the Web 2.0 tools to the teachers at my school. I would particularly like to know which ones are the best for high school.

Hi All

I am new to this community and new to the whole idea of social networking. I teach science at a public high school and am currently working on my masters in Library Science. I am currently putting together a brief presentation about Second Life and its role in education. I thought this might be a place to get me started in exploring new avenues for teaching and learning.

I am a first grade teacher from Grayling, MI. I am new to the web 2.0 stuff. Thanks to a grant from MACUL (Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning), who has provided a team of teachers from my building with some stellar PD, I feel all caught up since graduating six years ago. This is helping me achieve what I have strived for years to do, with tools that make it effortless. Even first graders can do it, and my new class this year doesn't know what's coming yet...I'm excited!
Hello! My name is Kim and I am a teacher in south Florida. I'm always looking to meet new innovative teachers who integrate technology into their teaching.

I started a blog on instructional technology if you want to check it out:)

Looking forward to collaborating with some great educators!
I checked out your blog and bookmarked it. What grade(s) do you teach? I'm always looking for teachers and classes to work collaboratively with, in case you're interested. (I teach 4/5 in Washington state.) If you have time, visit my sites - (linked on profile)
Hello everyone,

I'm pleased to be here, my name is Sarah Grayston and I am the e-learning technologist at Motherwell College, Scotland. I am here to keep up to date with any new e-learning developments and to share ideas on good uses for web 2.0 technologies and using them for learning and teaching.
Hi, I am Lyn and I teach reading at a middle school in Pensacola, Florida. I teach students that made level 1 or 2 on their FCAT Reading test. Most middle school teachers teach 6 classes a day but I have three 90 minute block classes. I would love share ideas with anyone that could help me become a better teacher.
Hi everyone!

My name is Jenny and I am an Instructional Technology Teacher in Brookline, Massachusetts. I've been in the field for 8 years now and have been using web 2.0 tools for the past two years or so. My main goal in life as an Instructional Technology Teacher is to teach teachers that the curriculum comes first and the technology is there to support it. So much of the time, my focus is on teacher professional development. I have to be a curriculum expert and a technology expert at the same time!

I just attended Alan November's Building Learning Communities conference last week and the ideas I learned there have my mind spinning with so many interesting projects and connections.

I look forward to being a part of this community!
:-) Jenny
Hi, I am Sabine. I just recently discovered the great idea of the flat classroom through a tutorial at Atomic Learning. I am excited about all the different features you can use to collaberate with teachers and students. I am a little overwhelmed with all the tools out there and not sure which of them are permitted by my school district. So, I think I will start with what we have at our school district. (gaggle accounts for students). I look forward to learn more about web 2.0 and its' possipilities. I think it is a great opportunity for world language learners - in my case for my German students - to be inspired to learn first hand the language and culture.



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