Gosh! I'm sorry I didn't think of this first, but we really SHOULD introduce ourselves, shouldn't we? :-)

Tags: introductions, teachers

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Most definitely, we should introduce ourselves!

I'm a grade 1 literacy/K-6 Music teacher in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I'm preparing for my second year of teaching and I'm absolutely in love with my job! I have plans to go back to school within the next 2 years to start a Masters in Literacy Education.

I've been involved with grassroots literacy organizations for a number of years and I have a strong interest in making reading and writing appealing to the most reluctant learners.

Looking forward to "meeting" everyone else!

Whoops! This being a Web 2.0-oriented group, I suppose I should have mentioned some of my Web 2.0 homes:
I have a teacher blog in its early stages: http://missbee.edublogs.org
My del.icio.us name is "applesfortheteacher" (http://del.icio.us/applesfortheteacher
I have a wiki that I haven't really used since Teacher's College: applesfortheteacher.wikispaces.com
and I'm experimenting with a wiki this summer: www.lbuehler.pbwiki.com
Thanks Michelle for posting the invite on the Mosaic list. I haven't received my copy of Debbie Miller's book yet but I am hoping it arrives soon. I ordered it this past summer before it was even published. I have been teaching since 1985 and I too love what I do, Lyndsay. I am currently teaching grade two in the Spanish bilingual program in Calgary, Alberta. I love to read and write and have dabbled in blogs, wikkis, and other social networking sites. At the moment, I feel most comfortable with blogs and used one with students when I taught grade 6 math. I am looking forward to the discussions on this site.
I teach in a 1/2 multiage....and LOVE IT!

Teaching is my passion...or is it reading? Hmmm

There is nothing I like better to do than read a GOOD book. I have 2 daughters, a twenty year old and a 15 year old. My oldest, who always did well in school, and is now in college studying to be an interior designer, HATES to read. My youngest, who also does very well in school, and will soon be a sophomore in college, is breaking the bank with all the book she wants because she LOVES to read. My youngest was taught to read the MOSAC way and my oldest did dioramas. Wonder if that has anything to do with it!

I've been married 23 years and my husband LOVES to read. Our house is FULL of books. Somebody suggested to me that I should sell some of them: NO WAY!!! I do donate some to my church and I do loan them out...but just get rid of them, no way!

I have 4 cats and all of them end up in my stories I write with the students. In fact, the class joke is "Cats rule..dogs drool!" Some years they come to my side...some years they don't!

I love technology...as long as it makes my job easier...which something like Web 2.0 does. I won't use technology just because it's there...hence, we don't go to the computer lab to play games. I have a blog (multiageclassroom.blogspot.com) which my students LOVED and I can't wait to revise the map and some of the links for the new group. I'm in a tech class right now (ok...I'm taking a break from my project!) where I've made a brandnew wiki (multiageclassroom.wikispaces.com) which I can't wait to use with my kids. I've been working on a problem based learning unit integrating science into the reading/writing block and I'm excited about starting that.

That's me....I love to swim and it's 90+ degrees out today, so I'm off to the pool in an hour! I can't wait to hear about everyone else!

I teach Reading & Language Arts for two sections of 5th graders and I also teach Social Studies for my own kiddos. (My colleauge teaches Math & Science for both sections and then does his own social studies.) I have a two hour block for each section which is wonderful! Previously I taught second grade for twelve years. I am also our district's K-5 Reading/Lang Arts Curriculum Specialist (what other districts might refer to as department chair). I have a Reading Endorsement and my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction.

I am a firm believer in doing whatever it is that you do to the best of your ability. From my own educational experience, my best teachers were the ones that were passionate about their subject and their teaching. I also believe the BEST model of passionate teaching is described in Scripture. He did a lot of teaching through the telling of parables and so story telling is an intregral part of my teaching (i.e. anchor lessons on comprehension strategies).

I also believe in taking risks, trying something new every year, LAUGHING till you cry, and learning from mistakes. I am finding that I am "mellowing" as I get older. Things that used to drive me nuts, now cause me to LOL. Perspective is a beautiful thing!

Outside of my classroom I am a soccer mom minus the soccer part. My kids (9yo & 14yo) are growing entirely too fast and are involved in all kinds of sports (except soccer) and our county 4H program. We live on a farm in Northwest Iowa and raise all kinds of critters and crops. My husband also runs a traveling concession stand business that makes it's rounds to area auctions. He's a hard worker and one busy guy! I don't get a lot of "free time" but when I can sneak a minute or two, I enjoy READING, playing around on the computer, scrapbooking, and walking at the "air-conditioned-in-the-summer-and-heated-in-the-winter-with-no-wind-or-rain" Wellness Center where I can go late at night and watch old movies while I go "nowhere"on a treadmill. :-)

Finally, I am looking forward to getting to "know" all of you through this group, and I'm excited about the collaboration and sharing of ideas through the greater Classroom2.0 network as well

Michelle Te Grootenhuis
aka "Mrs. T.G."
Hi! My name is Kate and I am K-5 Reading Specialist in NC. I followed Mrs. TG here from Mosaic Listserve. (Thanks for telling us about this site. It has so much possibilities).
Hi Kate,
Just wondering if you could give some details as to your position as a Reading Specialist. Do you work with kids, teachers, or a combination? Do you write curriculum? Do you locate and promote resources?

-Michelle TG
The short answer is I work with a combination of students and teacher, locate and promote resources, and some other things, depending on which role I am taking on at the time (and somethings fall under multiple roles).
The long answer is I am a Title I Reading Specialist. I work with a combination of students and teachers. My primary duty is working with students who are below grade level in the area of reading. I work with 6 students at a time for thirty minutes in a pull-out program. Two years ago, I began structuring my pull out groups as a mini reading workshop, using units of study and trying to start Comprehension Toolkit. I am hoping to implement Comprehension Toolkit in an inclusion class with my friend. I also take groups of 10 students into a mini computer lab to work on a web-based reading and math program.
I am a member of the Third Grade Team and we plan together as a team. I am the "cheerleader" who tries to find ways to help my fellow teachers, especially as there is more demands on them every year. I try to find resources for them as well. We share ideas and solve problems together. Then there is the hat that I wear as the Lead Reading Specialist for grades 3-5. In this role, I work closely with teachers in 3-5 to identify students needs and help place students in least restrictive intervention program (we have several), plan /organize Parent Involvement Activities, Staff Development, Extended Day Programs and Summer Intervention programs that use Title I funds, and order materials for the school using Title I funds. Finally, there is my role as School Improvement Chair which is a whole different topic.
I hope that this wasn't too long or boring. I feel like I said "me, me, me" a lot and it is not something that I am comfortable with. Thanks for the interest.

Hi Everyone!

My name is Corinne, and I am a pre-service teacher at the University of Regina (in Saskatchewan, Canada). I will be finished my degree in a year and am excited to begin teaching.

I joined this group because, as an elementary teacher, I will be teaching reading and writing, and I think this group will be a great place to ask questions, share ideas, and learn from everyone!!

My name is Peter Carlson. I'm a 3rd grade teacher with a predominately ELL population. I teach reading and writing, social studies, and science. I teach science while my grade partner teaches math to my students. I have been teaching for 11 years and am looking for a job as an administrator.

I really enjoy using the Teacher's College (Columbia University) reading and writing project methodology when teaching reading and writing. As a former tech coordinator and tech trainer I also love to use technology as a tool to teach in all subject areas.
Hi all! My name is Lindy, and I am a teacher in a third and fourth grade, multi-age classroom. I teach reading, writing, math, science, and kids wilderness. I am a huge fan of integrating technology into the everyday curriculum, rather than teaching it separately. I hope to find a lot of good ideas here for integrating technology and reading together!
Hi everyone,

I'm presently training English as a foreign language teachers (both foreign and Korean) in Seoul, Korea.

I've spent a number of years teaching elementary ESL -- grade 4. My last school was the most multicultural in the world -- we got a U.N. visit and award. 94 mother tongues! Rose Avenue P.S. downtown Toronto.

Teaching English as a second or foreign language is about teaching language period. Same fundamentals as the regular classroom, just the delivery is different. thus, my passion for reading and especially TTS - text to speech as a learning/teaching tool. You can find out more on my network EFL Classroom 2.0

I'm a big runner, sports guy. Bibliophile and author. Hope to soon get back writing, once the traveling is done. Love all things French, red wine, conversation, doing and being....Large dogs, laughter and pizza help make life wonderful.

I hope to learn about great books here and also develop the Classroom 2.0 bookstore which I'll start promoting more as I get it built with great lists from all the great teachers here!





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