Hi all,
My avatar name in SL is "Licenciada Saunders". Feel free to IM me if you see me online, and to add me as a friend if you want. I would appreciate a note from anyone so inclined giving me your avatar name in SL so we can collaborate or just hang out when online in SL.

I am looking for simple, honest and fun collaboration and discussion about learning styles and also stories of success for introducing more web2.0 tech into learning organizations. The simpler the story the better, and I would like to use the stories to influence the organization I work for *:-)

Have fun *:-)

Tags: avatar, collaboration, life, second

Views: 59

Replies to This Discussion

Hello, Licenciada Saunders. I am Nema Szondi in Second Life. I've just posted a video clip introducing an idea I'd like to try in 2008. I'm having fun getting my colleagues to do some stuff together.
Hey Lee - i just sent you a msg in SL and a friend add. I built my av in there early last year but haven't spent much time inside as i could only find casinos and clothing shops. Will give it another try, so feel free to share any edu resources you've come across. I'd really appreciate it.

Hope to see you in world.
btw - i'm Smartlak Goodfellow in SL - should have mentioned that. ;)
Hi Liam O'Donnell (Smartlak Goodfellow) *:-)
That's great, and I will look for you in RL and SL and I will send some links via SL when I log in, hopefully later today.
Great to hear from you and I look forward to having some fun while learning.

I'm Feldspar Epstein in SL (Anastasia Vesperman RL, though I rarely use it in an SL context). I'm a researcher and reporter regarding educational issues. Feel free to look me up in SL for education-based collaboration and discussion.

Hey everyone,

Spiff Whitfield in SL. Starting a group of social studies teacher using SL. Please visit http://virtualpioneers.ning.com Please join if you are interested. We meet every other Sunday in SL and explore new Social Studies related islands or have discussions about what to do next. Please join us and bring ideas and enthusiasm.

Thanks! Hope to meet you soon.

Andy/ Spiff
Hi, my SL name is Sun Szapira.  I too wander around second life not finding any active workshops and I always arrive after anything interesting has happened.
Feel free to get in touch. My SL name is: Eurominuteman Jameson
Well, I've been meaning to join SL, so today I went in a made a very ugly avatar. :-)) I go by the name Pandamonia Snoodle and I'm am very lost. Joined some groups but don't know my way around at al.



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