Many of us probably have time for ONE more "Just for Me" reads this summer. You know, those books that have really nothing to do with education, parenting, literacy, curriculum, etc, but are just plain fun bring-it-to-the-pool-and-relax kind of books. Suggestions?

Tags: fiction, reading, teachers

Views: 46

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The Shack by William P. Young- best read of my summer.
Just downloaded the audio book to listen to on my iPod of this book (it's in the #2 spot on iTunes audiobook downloads right now). I'm SERIOUSLY looking for more meaningless housework, laundry, or trips to the grocery store just so I can do so I can listen longer.

If you haven't read this book--check it out!!!
I'm waiting for my copy of The Riven by Jerry Jenkins. It came out today and I wish I hadn't ordered it but just waited to buy it. I saved money I guess. I'm reading Lori Copelands latest right now: Now and Always. And of course, Sunset by Karen Kingsbury, but I have to wait till September! I have a stack of about 30 books by my bed....all I do as add to it and read every night before I turn in. So many little time!

I reread Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse to get myself ready for Breaking Dawn. (all by Stephenie Meyer). CAN'T wait for the new book next week!
My daughter (15) begged me to preorder this book..she was afraid they would run out. She begged me to go to the midnight opening to get her book. I said I would if she would help me begin setting up my room during the day...DEAL!

I haven't read these, but she is a voracious reader. What makes them so good?

I know this book is not on the new best-sellers or anything, but I'm moved every time I read Speaker for the Dead. Yes, it's gory, but the message is timeless and incredibly appropriate for today's political/social/global climate...
I am a mystery buff. For a good laugh, try Laura Levine. Her storylines are hilarious, and a good break from the mayhem that we have all the work day long.
Just finished a great book: The Book Club by Mary Alice Monroe and I'm reading another one of her's: Sweetgrass

Great reads!

I've been into Jodi Picoult this summer- I've read The Plain Truth, just finished Nineteen Minutes, and am now onto Vanishing Acts!
I'm also a big fan of Janet Evanovich but haven't read her new one yet!



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