I'm coming up empty in a search for a good, modern web based gradebook.

What I'm finding so far are older clunky opensource projects.

Formerly opensource free projects without any import export.

A couple full blown (all or nothing) open source SIS tools

A very outdated/alpha stage Drupal module

Is there anything out there that would allow automated import/export?


Tags: gradebooks

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Have you looked at Engrade? We just decided to use it last week after the gradebook inside of our LMS (Moodle) failed to stand up to the challenge. Love Moodle...HATE the gradebook feature. Engrade is clean and simple, but maybe too simple for what you are looking for.

Good luck!
Yes, I did look at them, but complete lack of any import / export features knocked them out of the running.

I've started looking at edu20.org

I'll update this thread if I find a winner.

Preston, what sort of import/export do you need? The Yacapaca gradebook can export, but so far it only grades assignments that were run within Yacapaca. Import options are on the to-do list; getting a clearer idea of what users really want is our first step.
Currently all of our assignments would be offline. We are looking more for a classic gradebook, but done well as an online tool.
Hi Preston,
I also use engrade. I have used this program for three years. It is free. Parents and students can sign up for their own accounts. If I make a mistake recording their grades, they will tell me. Which is nice to know that they care about their grades. For the last three years, it has been very slow at the beginning of the year. Just wait a few weeks and it will be fast again. You can import and export so you don't have to keep a handwritten gradebook. I have also used grade connect. However, it is only free for the teacher. It will keep parents and students informed.
Good luck.
I love how clean and easy Engrade is to use. But the design doesn't allow us to use our student IDs as student IDs because they aren't exactly secret and there is no other password for access. There is also no admin option to upload the whole school's course list and then download all grades in a data friendly format.

But otherwise I do love the layout, and for individual teachers - its one of the best. I'm looking for something that I can administer at the school level.

I use easy grade pro. It does have a small charge for it but can also be used with a palm enabled device. Take a look
We have a site license to the desktop application version of Easy Grade Pro and is what we are using currently.

To get any sort of feature enhancement over that version in an online version you need to bundle it with Edline, and to get decent data import/export you need to add on their "live link" package. This adds up to a hefty annual subscription.

Preston, I have used www.engrade.com for two semesters now and am quite impressed - especially since it is free. There are a couple of things I wished they did better, but all in all, it does a great job of allowing students (and parents) view grades. Students can also combine their classes into one login code. Pretty cool. Hope this helps.

Mark McDaniel

You might want to take a look at: http://www.excelsiorsoftware.com/K12Solutions/powerlawSignup.aspx

This gradebook is FREE for a 1 semester trial and is Standards Based. The web-based version is integrated into their Pinnacle Suite which of course isnt free.

For more information contact them at:
Excelsior Software, Inc.
980 37th Avenue Court
Greeley, CO 80634
Phone: 800.473.4572
Fax: 970.353.5042
Sales Inquiries: solutions@excelsiorsoftware.com

Hope that this helps.

If you contact them feel free to dropmy name.


My district has adopted a program called Webgrader. It is a standards based program. You might want to check it out.
Any luck with this? I also like engrade but want to keep setup work to a bare minimum which means import class lists from a .txt, .xls or .csv. I don't think engrade does this..

In fact, i know it is asking a lot, but I'd want to be able to import the assessment calendar for all classes as well. Asking staff to re-enter data is not an option

Love to know if you found one Preston



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