Okay - I have to admit to the real reason I'm so excited about Web 2.0. I want to be famous. Okay, maybe only among a couple hundrend school teachers - but it's a start. Today I got an e-mail from Steve Hargadon asking me to podcast a quote from my blog entry for a keynote he is giving. How cool is that.

When I was in college, I wanted to be an actress. I gave up that dream, but now I have a chance to find fame (maybe not fortune) somewhere else. Who knew? Who would have thought that it could happen to a bunch of school teachers. I haven't published a book, but there are people around the world reading my blog. I haven't been interviewed on NPR, but a whole bunch of people I don't even know are going to hear my voice. Maybe it isn't Will Richardson fame, but it's a start.

Maybe you are smiling right now reading this, but sadly, I'm not joking. I'm a fame junkie and I admit it. I know I'm not alone. Who else out there is searching for a little bit of stardust?

(I posted this to my ning blog, but this seems like a better place to start a conversation.)

Tags: blogging, fame, fortune

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Good point.
Now I can make THEM famous, too.
Thanks for reminding me of the flickr tools.
I wrote this back in April. It is interesting to see it pop up again. It just goes to show that what you put on the Web stays on the Web. I feel like a lot has changed since way back in April. I was just starting to blog and I was getting responses, people were actually reading what I had to say. That was exciting. It brought me back to my days on the stage.

Over the last few months I have found that fame is still a fun thing to think about, but I also want to have faith in myself, my ideas and my abilities to contribute to the conversation. I did some exciting projects last year and got some great recognition for them. But it doesn't stop there. I need to keep growing, keep listening and learning from others and contributing my own ideas. I agree collaboration is essential. Everyone has something to add to the conversation - not just the famous.

This Classroom2.0 community has provided me with so many new voices to listen to and learn from. You all have become famous to me. It has been a while since I have contributed here. Thanks for bringing me up again and getting me back into the game.
It's popping back up because I put an index on the site, and this post is tagged "blogging," so it's showing up in the first link. I'm really hoping the index feature works well, because it will allow folks to get help on specific tools. Nice to see you in Atlanta!
Stick to the fame thing. Get yourself some groupies. Rise to the top, influence people and their classroom practice with your ideas and projects. And send me an autograph ...or maybe a baseball-type trading card.

Jeff Branzburg
Elizabeth, Great entry. As a doctoral student I asked a professor why so many professors publish in journals if they don't make anything. His response, "ego!!" We all have one. Happy 4th!!
I love teaching because I get to be the center of attention, which is kind of like acting. I have to say that I love to talk too and in the classroom I have found a great audience. Ok, there is much more to it than that but I love the challenge of capturing and holding the attention of students.
I love your Blog Elizabeth!!. Famous? What does that really mean anymore - I think it has probably changed significantly since you were at college - I am sure that you will become famous in the new sense :)
I was also a theatre major when I went to college the first time (now I'm back in college getting my teaching certificate). I can't say that I was to teach because I want to be famous; although I think I would like my name to be out there and recognizable. However, I'm not really sure that's the same thing. Personally, I want connection. I want to share with others and learn from others. In my search for what is upcoming, I don't picture a spotlight focused upon me involved in that vision at all. But, then again: that's just me.
Here's my take on this discussion. Better late than never?
Hiya Elizabeth,

Lord Byron said “Fame is the thirst of youth.” ... so congratulations on both things : your young mind and your daring mind that made you start this conversation.

To my humble opinion you're on the good way... you'd have no chance of success if you wouldn't even try. And you already have the sunglasses that protect from Fame's bright light, so I guess you're ready for it. Am I wrong or this quest for fame goes with some sense of satisfaction you want to have from your own work and receive from your public... (because Yes! you got a public!) ???

Let us know about your achievements and good luck!

lol. i think there it's really inside us that wants to be famous. it's good when people know you and even you're gone, people won't forget your name.

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Sounds like you're an "edu-tainer" like me! =)

I bet your students like you a lot, and they learn a lot too. I have had kids tell me that I "trick" them into learning because I make everything fun. That's how it should be, I think!



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