The NYC DOE is considering becoming more deeply involved in Moodle. I was wondering if there's a place that creators of Moodle classes can go to share what they've created with one another. It seems crazy that teachers all over would start from scratch rather than create and share their resources. Any thoughts?
I'm an Intern at the, which operates under the Creative Commons License.
Please take a look at the curriculum:
The is a hands on, online collaborative training center for people interested in learning how to produce and host live, interactive webcasts with worldwide participants. English and Spanish language modules are being produced. Further languages are forecasted.
I like the innovative issues addressed, but as things are moving so fast "muddling through" has been the favored approach up to now. Convergence of the course into Moodle and into 3D virtual worlds is under way.
Lisa, what you say is very true. There are a large number of attempts to get this going and one of them is going to suceed. On this side of the Atlantic has a project under way in which they create a repository of Moodle based work. The down side is that entry is through local government education authorities who are notoriously conservative and backward. I certainly know of three others and I am trying to get one organised in my own county - Derbyshire, UK.
One thing that would help make it work is a common set of tags so that if I look for what we would call Key Stage 3, or Year nine (students of about 13 years old) you would also recognise from your K12 system. We have a subject called ICT which is the study and use of information technology at school, I am not sure you have it as a seperate subject.
a concrete suggestion to get this going
1. a common set of tags (spreadsheet columns for UK, US, France, Germany etc with local equivalence of meaning)
2. moodle material stored as moodle backup files stored in something like Google docs.
3. a condition -something like you can download one file for every one you upload.
4. some sort of moderators
5. develop a contact list of people who could/should/might contribute.
PS the UK Open University has 250 000 students is entirely on Moodle - you might want to look -
It just takes a few of us to get started, are you ready?
You posted what I was going to post Lisa! Great. I've just spent a year on Moodle version6 and am in process of going to Moodle 9 (well some computer geniuses are doing that) - my main interest has been a course which we call Religious and Moral Education (in Scottish Schools, 12-16 year olds). This is World Religions (some Christian emphasis) and Ethics/Citizenship. I may well be in a position to offer you access to a Moodle development site as an editing teacher (no access to any young people of course) and that would mean collaboration hopefully you know someone who is teaching a subject similar to min and I'd get something out of it too.