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Well My name is peter madian

When i see this I Like it

Wyoming Treatment Centers
Hi, I am a writer/filmmaker (last doc was Mad Hot Ballroom about the importance of arts in public education). Currently I have a new totally geared to the middle and high school social studies and humanities curriculum (particularly this year!) about seven young women running for president in the year 2024 and the social inequalities they still face today. It's a mass, ages 8 to 80, entertaining AND educating doc that all kids (boys and girls) will get out of! It comes w/ the study guide too -- written by a NYC middle school teacher (Rebecca Mansell).

Just trying to get the word out. The institutions that "be" make this difficult -- so I'm coming right to "the people!"

The doc website is Hope to see you there!

Hi, Amy!

Thanks for the pointer to the website for your new film. I popped over to take a look, but when I tried to view the trailer, I got the following error message:

404 Not Found
The requested resource was not found.

I hope you can get the trailer up and running soon.

Cheers, Paul
Hello, my name is Kim and I am from Gurdon in the great state of Arkansas. This is my first year teaching and I am the ESL Coordinator for the district. While fufilling these great joys, I'm also a migrant teacher.
I am Tom Treanor, from Austin, TX. I was born and raised in the Washington, DC area. I am married and have three children. I have also lived in California and Louisiana. I have lived in Austin since 1995. I began teaching in 1989, and taught ten years - 4th & 5th grade, and special education. Since 2000, I have been a campus technology specialist at two elementary schools here in Austin. I get to teach/facilitate all of our kids, PreK-5th. I am involved in professional development as well as maintenance of our campus, techno-wise. I love my job. I recently became certified as a trainer in the Intel Teach program, and I am also a certified in the GLOBE program.My motivation to join Classroom 2.0 is simply to assist in becoming a better teacher. Specifically, I am interested in web 2.0 stuff because our school district is embarking on a major purchase of instructional technology hardware, and I want to stay informed regarding the best way emerging technologies can serve students.
Howdy, I'm a teacher from Australia - totally addicted to 2.0 and always looking for ways to integrate them in my classroom. Am hoping to help keep myself inspired!
Hi, I'm Alex and I'm from San Francisco. I've always had a passion and interest toward making esoteric information more accessible to lay people, and the variety of ways that people learn. Lately, I've been working in textbook publishing, managing media supplements for instructors and students, but will be starting my master's at SFSU this fall in Instructional Technology. I am very interested not only in how technology is currently being used in classrooms, museums, and other types of instituions, and how it continues to change.
Hello, my name is Jackie Shriner, and I teach English and reading at Wheeling Park High School in Wheeling, WV. I am quite computer literate and try to use technology in my classroom as often as possible. I actually have had a class homepage for a few years through Scholastic because it is so user friendly and takes seconds to update. It also gives helpful info and who and when and what students and parents and viewing on the site. I love it. I upload all my class handouts, powerpoints, or lectures to the site as well as links to work, weekly class lesson plans, links to videos I have shown, and nightly homework assignments. Students who are absent have no reason to come into class without their school work. It also is a great tool for parents. I am currently working on several new project based learning activities for my classes. In addition, I also facilitate online professional development for the WV Dept. of Education. I am looking forward to sharing and gaining more ideas and teaching strategies.
Hi, Jackie! I loved the Scholastic homepage system and so did my parents - I had to switch to the school system this year - I am very sad!
I know what you mean. I am not sure what the school is doing this year as we are going online with Edline for parents. I am not at all impressed with their version of Class homepages. I want to keep my Scholastic homepage as all my work is also stored there! Not only that but my students and parents actually use it! Last year, I had approximately 95 total students in 6 classes, and my homepage had 8549 total hits for the school year with the homework and announcement sections being most used.
Hello! I am so happy I found my way to this site! I am the proud 'mom' of a brand new computer lab in a brand new school in Painesville, Ohio - a eastern suburb of Cleveland. My district has never had a Technology Teacher for K-5! I am in a world new to all! I am so lucky!
I am a former 5th grade teacher with a new Tech MA - all I have to work with is Micro Office, the net, and a SMART Board - I will be searching here for 'stuff' to fill my days
I feel so 'old-school' - I am a little lost without a stack of textbooks to plan my lessons with?
Hi, I teach Middle School Japanese, outer SE Melbourne. This site was demonstrated at a staff meeting tonight, so I'm about to explore......



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