
FYI: This will be my first year teaching. I am the new 8th and 9th grade computers teacher in a small rural school.

Q: What is the best way to publish student work?

My first thought was that I could post student work on my google site. Unfortunately google only allows 100mb per site and it does not take all file types. Then I thought students could create a google site and have them post their work to their own site. However, after thinking about it I am not so sure that would be best since the student can access and change it at anytime. If inappropriate things were posted then it would be on my hands.

So what are your suggestions? Should I ask the school to give me room on their website? How should I monitor student publishing?

Thank you very much in advance.


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Luckily, we had a dad who set up our blog using Drupal (open source) and he serves it. The beauty of Drupal is the ability of having all the student blogs in one location with total control over them. Each day I just go to recent posts, see what's been blogged and respond.
Another suggestion, don't start with everybody. Recruit the 5 top or most enthusiastic writers out of each class. Then you can ease in. I did an online book discussion using Moodle with 40 responders responding to dozens of questions. I was taking me several hours a day just to write my responses!!! Also, if you aren't ready don't start--wait until you are comfortable with what you really want to do--don't just do it because it sounds like fun or sounds like something you should do. Saving Word docs to a website can be a much easier way to save and share student work.
Wikispaces used first name last initial.
How much identity you reveal is important to consider. You need to know what the policy is and how the parents feel about it.

A lot of schools have different policies for different age groups. For my fifth graders we used pseudonyms. Many allow first names and initials.

I am leaning toward a parental choice.
In our school, all students have a student code, which is the first three letters of their surname and four numbers. eg smi0001 So we encourage students to use this for their surnamel However others might choose a nickname but never their surname. Our students have admin rights but I also have admin rights or their classroom teacher so we can quickly fix any problems (which we havent yet had)
If interested I wrote a post on how we keep students safe. See http://murcha.wordpress.com/2008/03/27/keeping-students-cybersafe/
I recently blogged on this topic as it pertains to student artwork @

Having watched and contributed quite a bit to the conversations going on here, I decided to write a blog post about my students and how they have published their on line work, so you can see working examples. I feel that their blogs are their pride and joy and they reflect the work that they are doing at school. See it on my page at classroom20.
Although I teach Language Arts/English, I have my students use edublogs.org for their postings - both as a full class and as individual bloggers with their own blogs. Not sure if it will help with your computer class or not, but you could probably make it work. Remember to make sure that if you chose a website resource to use, the district approves the site so it is not blocked on the school computers. Edublog.org is the only blog site my district approves of.



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