I am a third grade teacher and I am wanting to use wikis and blogs in the classroom but I am unsure of how to begin. Also I would like to do internet penpals, or epals, but I need another group to correspond with. Please let me know if you have any advice on how to get any of this started. I am excited to hear suggestions

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Hi Angela,
I started using a wiki at the end of last school year with my students. Here is the link to it...


I teach 4th and 5th graders.

Perhaps it will give you some ideas. Let me know if you have any follow up questions.
Take care,
Hi, Angela.

I teach third through fifth grade students and began a project entitled, Creative Web Tools for and By Kids. Creative Web Tools For and By Kids is a project designed for students, ages 8 to 12, to use emerging technologies for engaging, thinking, learning, collaborating, creating, and innovating. Description:

The Wik for the project is the workstation for exploring, interacting with, learning from, and creating with emerging technologies. Each student has his or her individual work page. This page is used to identify learning interests, to locate and post links to sites that support those interests, and to begin creating web-based projects to creatively demonstrate their learning experiences. The WIki address is http://weewebwonders.pbwiki.com/About+This+Project:+For+Teachers

My students have begun to identify their topic interests. I created project pages where they will work to explore that topic - see sidebar. I am inviting other classes to join.

Hi Angela,

I've just written a post about how I started with blogging, although it is for high school students, there might be something that will help you: Class blogging prep.
Hi Angela,

You mention you are interested in Internet penpals or epals, I used the ePals service a while back - it was free and it worked out well, they do have projects but I just did penpal correspondence with a class from Taiwan, the students really enjoyed it and they got to see how much they have in common with kids from other countries.
Hi Angela,

I've been using wikis for about 18 months now, but mainly for posting information for my students and peers. I've made a start at collaborative projects with my students with a project I called "My Favorite Item." It could easily be done by your third graders with the help of throw-away digital cameras. My students (eighth grade) photographed their item and sent it to me in an email. For those who couldn't email, I downloaded from thier camera or had them bring their object to school and we took the photograph there. I made a page for each student and posted the photograph. We scheduled an hour in the computer lab for me to show them how to edit thier page and add comments to others. I had already approved them as space members, so an hour in the lab allowed for plenty of comments on pages. This experiment allowed us to figure out where the bugs might be in working together like this. I had planned a couple of other wikis for this school year and doing this one showed me how to fine-tune what I was planning.

Here's the link to the wiki we made: http://favoriteitem2009.wikispaces.com/

Good luck!



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