Just wondering if anyone has sent large files ov er the internet - say using DivShare or YouSendIt for e.g.? If so, could you tell me what your experiences were, and who you would recommend? I'm looking for a place to store and/ or send my large files to someone else so it doesn't crash theirs or my email system! Would it make more sense to get a webhosting thingy to look after everything for me at the same like - like GoDaddy or SiteFive. I've heard of all these sites but would prefer recommendations.

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I've had good experience with and gotten lots of reccommendations for Drop.io
I've had success with YouSendit.
I have found Pando to be totally reliable.
YouSendit worked for me.
Is this a site you use most of the time, Chris? Did you sign up for a payment plan? Have you tried others that didn't work so well?
Thanks for this - really useful. I'd forgotten about the advertising which I try to avoid as much as possible.
Here's funny large file story. I wanted to share with teachers Dalton Sherman's Convocation speech presented to 20,000 teachers and staff in Dallas. He didn't write the speech but he is quite an orator and has a good message. I could only find the video on YouTube which is blocked by our district. So I used zamzar.com to covert the file. With the file converted, I tried to send it to peers over district internet, the file to was too big. I decided to d/l it to my blog. It was taking all day to d/l. I called the HELP desk and the IT guy walked me through putting it on the district's ftp site. Access to the ftp site for the common user was way too complicated. In the meantime I found it on TeacherTube and was able to send the link--should have looked harder in the first place!!

Here's the video if you are interested. Isn't he the cutest thing! N.
You Tube is also blocked at my work - so I use Teacher Tube now. But I have recently discovered Teacher's TV from the UK, http://www.teachers.tv/ which has some superb resources for teachers plus professional development videos etc.
I learned how to convert the video to a different file name, so YouTube is at my fingertips!! Just don't need too much of it.
How do you do this, Nancy? I mean, how do you convert video from YouTube to something else so that they will take it up (like Teacher Tube for e.g.) Did you get a chance to look at TeachersTV? Any thoughts?
All you do is copy the YouTube URL and paste into a program like http://zamzar.com where it says "download video" (second tab). You choose the file type, I choose wmf (Windows media) but you can choose any type. The program converts the file and emails you a new file name for the video. Easy peezy. It can take a while with the free version, but if I do it at night it's on my school email the next morning. You can pay to have it converted faster. N
You can use programs where you can upload files up to 100 MB for free



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