Vanakkam! Greetings from Chennai, India.
Am an environmental educator in India. Am trying to initiate a small programme, where the school students are guided do the gardening and landscaping of their campus. Am also trying to make it a part of their regular curricular activity.

Would any of you, in the group be able to guide us in this venture, or share links to the web pages where electronic version of the curriculum could be found. Your support would be of immense help.

Tags: Education, Environmental, Garden, Landscape

Views: 107

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Green Teaching
With concerns about energy prices and global warming now at that forefront of the national consciousness, interest in environmental education in schools is growing dramatically, according to USA Today.

Among the signs of the times: A bill is now making its way through Congress that would give states funding to develop green curricula and increase teacher training in environmental areas. And the National Environmental Education Foundation, which works with schools and other organizations to improve environmental literacy, has seen its partner list increase fivefold over the past two years.
Dear Shri James Webber,
Vanakkam! Greetings from Tamil Nadu, India.
Thank you for sharing your insight! Am exploring possibilities of sharing activities and programmes related to energy conservation as well!
Thank you again
Hi Ramjee,
I am also interested in environmental education, from Hawkesdale, Australia. We had two visitors from Chennai earlier in the year, who inspected our vegetable garden. Since then we have created a "Bush food, fibre and medicine" garden, using indigenous plants. It is not really part of our official science curriculum, although the "Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Scheme" has some links to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards.
I have used the garden for Maths activites (Space, measurement) and students researched the requirements of different plants (nutrients, temperature, water, soil type etc) for a science project. best of luck with your garden - I'm sure your students will enjoy it, as mine did!
Dear James Webber,
Vanakkam! Greetings from Tamil Nadu India.
The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Scheme link indeed has some interesting ideas! Would be happy if you could share a brief on how you used garden for maths, science projects, etc., as you have stated above.
Looking forward to learning from you.

I am also interested in learning about any previous programs that have been implemented or if anyone has any insight into this issue.

If you are interested, there is a post about schools as sustainable institutions here:

Dear Eli Steier,
Vanakkam Greetings from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Your note on schools as a sustainable institution is an interesting one. In fact I've written a section on one the manuals for Professors in Teacher Education Institutes in India.
Would try to share that sometime soon!
Your note is crisp and to the point!
Dear Ramjee,

Thank you and I look forward to reading what you wrote!
Dear Ramjee,

Thank you and I look forward to reading it!



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