I am a Middle School Science teacher in a rather rural community. I would love to start using some of the things that 2.0 has to offer but I am not sure where to start. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of community with some 2.0 stuff. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Blogs and wikis are a great place to begin because they allow students to do what they love todo--communicate with each other. I use them with my students by posting prompts for them to respond to. Lots of good skills are used--reading, writing, making connections, reflecting, evaluating...
Start with a blog for students - i would post homework and have students post answers to homework on blog. Could be very simple. It takes a bit till kids 'get it'. Some textbooks have chapter review questions - why not just ask kids to post answers to these on their blogs? I use classblogmeister.
Hi David,
I am also a science teacher from a small rural school, with a couple of teachers who have embraced web 2.0. Many of our students have their own blogs (thanks to our Chinese and ICT teachers) with 'globalstudent'- a Victorian education department initiative.
My goal this year is to have students produce short science videos (experiments? research?) and post them on Teachertube and in their blogs. So far I have only had a small amount of success in asking them to answer reflective questions about their science learning on their blogs. Some of the constraints seem to be (1) getting opportunities to be in the computer lab. (2) Time within the curriculum for deep learning and reflection (3) students spending more time on the 'bells and whistles' - headings, images and widgets. I have also tried webquests in the past, but they haven't really taken off. I continue to believe that web 2.0 is the way of the future and will try my best to keep up with the new innovations that I find valuable.
You might start with Voice Thread. Also consider the Web Technology for Teachers course at Professional Learning Board -- it's facilitated by Kate Olson and provides an exceptional way to get started.
Take a look at the site I just launched: RealWorldMath.org It shows how to use Google Earth to present math topics (and there are some science-related lessons as well). Google Earth is really dynamic. If you search through the Layers submenu you will find a lot of material for Science, I think. Also, the site gives you an idea on how to create 2.0 type lessons using Google Earth.
Ok, I'm a first-year teacher. Sort of. This is my first year teaching MS science. Third yr. teaching computer and the tech. coordinator. I would love to implement some of these wonderful ideas but, I just can't find the time in my day to add something else. I already have to be a one-man IT department, teach PreK-6 computers, facilitate 2 Mandarin classes and teach 7-8 science. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point. Maybe using some 2.0 in the classroom would actually help? Your thoughts?
Hi Kara,
I know all to well how overwhelming things can get as a teacher, so I have developed a wiki with tons of web 2.0 tools and ideas for integration. i hope that you can find some tools and ideas there useful. here is the link http://web20guru.wikispaces.com .
Wow, Thank you Cheryl! I can't tell you how grateful I am for your information and ideas on Web 2.0. I am making a career shift into teaching. My background is in marketing. I'm taking an Online class which is going to help me integrate technology into the classroom, but I can see that you are going to be a great resource.
You should use Studeous (www.studeous.com). Its the most friendly and easiest system I have ever used, plus its free. You get to use all the best web 2.0 tools available like blogging, podcasting, RSS, doc sharing, etc. It's designed for K-12 so it should work out great for you. Let me know what you think.