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I am Golden, a Malaysian teaching at an international school in Muaklek,Thailand. I teach Science, Social Studies and History, from Gr 6-11. I am sure glad to be able to network with other teachers.
hello every body
im heba from egypt,married,have two kides,im interesting in languages especially frensh and english and of course arabic my mother language,im working in virtual classroom domain so im searshing for the best one to participate.
Hi. I'm a college professor that teaches future teachers how to integrate technology. For a couple years, I've been teaching my students the awesome world of Blogs, Wikis, and other 2.0-related technologies, not just how to use them, but how to integrate them effectively as a teacher. However, even though they are digital natives of social networking, my students don't seem to recognize the educational implications. They don't see it, and the effective integration typically has never been modeled for them, (and I'm pretty sure I'm not helping very much). In addition, trying to take "I'm a student" thinking individuals and convert them into "I'm a teacher" thinking individuals in regards to social networking in education has been a battle that I seem to lose more often than I win.

Having said that, I'm looking for ways, places, sites, etc., that can lead me to better, more effective methods of teaching future teachers how to integrate social networking. I'm looking for ways to, at the very least, model the effective uses. This site, along with Ning in Education and others, may just be the place, the way, the site, for which I've been searching.

Thanks for the site, Steve.
~ John
Welcome John.

I'm intrigued by your comments and wonder if teaching your students within these sites might align with your intended goals.

Best regards,
good point Ellen, N
Thanks Ellen... That's exactly why I joined. I'm hoping this is the tactic that works!

Take care,
~ John
It's ironic isn't it that the people we most thought would "get it" don't. It goes back to the fact that these kids we consider so tech literate aren't, they're posers! I'm sure it has to do with your students memories of their own classrooms. I've also found that teachers who student-teach with an "old-school" teacher end up the same way! What's a person to do?
Very interesting points, Nancy. It's frustrating when students that are so good at using the technology, can't see the educational implications of that technology.

Take care,
~ John
John, I actually don't think they're that good. They can do what they do-- text, email, chat, IM, play video games, upload videos and download music. I don't think many of them are critical thinkers, problem solvers, or for that matter adequate technicians when it comes to technology.

I heard Don Tapscott once say "technology is not technology unless it was invented after you were born". For the kids, much of this stuff has always been there all along, they don't get what all the fuss is about. Maybe they don't want what they do outside of school to be tainted by the classroom.
John your topic would make a good discussion on the front page of classroom20 just to see what others experiences have been Would you like to put it up there as it has already created a lively one on the introductions page? There are quite a few student teachers as members and it would be interesting to hear what they have to say - as well as experiences from other members.

I will do so before the day is done. Thank you for the discussion and support.

 ~ John
All too often, here in Victoria, Australia, we find that graduate teachers still have little idea of technology and use in the classroom either. I think it is wonderful that you are using these tools as a professor and find it difficult to believe the disassociation with professional and personal use. However, I have found that teachers need to use the tools on a personal basis as supporting some 'needs based' application and they then transfer it to their teaching. I have just returned from the Learn2.008 conference where everything was ning based - publicity, registrations, conference sessions etc so non users were made to use the tool. Participants also had to sign up for a twitter account and use it at various times duting the conference. So they learnt how to use these tools and see the potential benefit of them.
I also like Ellen's comment below. Teach them within the sites.



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