I've just re-discovered Twitter, a social network that asks "What are you doing?" The cool thing is, in the Ed Tech world you can create a network of people who are there to help you, and give you support and suggestions at a moments notice.

Looking for a resource? Just send out a tweet and someone will know the answer. Dealing with technology resistance? My twitter network reminds me that there are people in the world who are as passionate about this stuff as I am. I write a blog post every Tuesday called "Two for Tuesday" where I share two interesting technology links - this week my links are all thanks to my Twitter network. (Thanks Twitter network).

Recently, I increased the number of people I'm following from 70 to 170. I've discovered that more is actually better in Twitter, it increases the odds of someone being there for you. I also downloaded Snitter an application that pops up to let me know about new tweets. You can follow me on twitter - look for lizbdavis, then check out the people I'm following and follow them too.

Kevin Honeycutt is creating a Vodcast that answers the question "What is Twitter good for?" You can follow him on Twitter too.

Are you using Twitter? What do you like about it? Still confused? Ask your questions here.

Tags: social-networking, twitter

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Are you in the beta group? I signed up a month or so ago but have not heard anything yet. I read about this tool a couple of months ago in NY TIMES and forgot to sign up then. Dang !!!!

Pownce..great idea. I read an article last week in which a group of 10th grade students wrote a story on twitter 140 characters at a time.
I am in the beta group. It's not as useful as I want it to be. I'm now following you on Twitter (ported into my gtalk).
I've heard lots of chatter about twitt and gtalk. Have not attempted yet. Simple?

Twitter id clearinghouse thread
gtalk is really simple...took me 30 seconds to add twitter/you..., but I don't like students knowing when I'm online as they tend to get chatty at 10:PM. There is no "hiding" feature.

I also asked for a Beta invite to "Pingfm" so that I can microblog to multiple accounts at once. Nothing out there pulls everything in the way I want, but I'm hoping that there might be a way to do this with Ning.
PingFM. I've used it . It's only one way communication which to me feels restrictive. You can update fb,twitter etc all at once.

here are some sn aggregator that I've either tried or use.

Friendfeed is open for anyone to use and socialthing is beta invite only. I got an invite but have yet to use it.

Friendfeed (just noticed you are already on FF )is really neat but the one problem I see is that you have to again add contacts within FF. Once you do you see all adds/updates from sites like fb,twitter,amazon,delicious,flickr etc....they have about 20 sn they partner with. Longterm a tool like this is the solution.

sorry for the thread hijack. :)
might need to start thread on sn aggregators.
Hi! I am an elementary school teacher from Pennsylvania. I just signed up for twitter after reading your post.
So how is your use of twitter going? If you share your twitter id here, you will get some valuable contacts and others adding you to their contact list.
I just read a post about how Twitter had enabled an instant meet-up in Second Life. Two services I'm not sure about finding a use for in my classroom--but it finally tipped me over the edge and I signed on to twitter (I'm bookwyrmish). I'll mine through this thread for Twitterers to follow! I'm curious to find out for myself ...
You might also want to try Plurk. Many of the CR2.0 colleagues are using it to encourage professional development conversations that contain a complete thread, unlike Twitter. Many of us also use Twitter, and we can post to HelloTxt or Ping. I am n2teaching on both.
Thanks, I am following you on Twitter and checking out your suggestions. I don't have a huge 2.0 online presence (just edublog and ning and delicious and twitter, now) so found Hello txt may not have any advantages over using widgets on my igoogle start page. But ping.fm I want to check out more...I wondered how people keep up with posting in all those different places!
Glad to help. I was always wondering the same thing until colleagues in my PLN shared these sites. I don't use igoogle yet, but I am investigating it. Thanks. If you consider using Plurk, please feel free to jump in my PLN and friend me there.
I am using twitter and love it! I'm hoping my staff can catch the fever. I'd love add some followers to help bail me out when I tweet them in the future: adewitt2



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