Web 2.0 tools are beginning to change the shape of scientific debate

Thought I'd toss this one up. I just love the graphic.
Web 2.0 tools are beginning to change the shape of scientific debate
IN PRE-INTERNET times, peer-reviewed journals were the best way to disseminate research to a broad audience.

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This graphic describes it perfectly. Thanks for sharing it.
In many cases peer reviewed materials are still the way to look at research. Students and teachers alike need to look at internet materials carefully to make sure there is a factual basis to their conclusions.
In his book Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything Don Tapscott has a whole chapter on how Web 2.0 and science - the chapter is titled "The New Alexandrians Sharing for Science and Science of Sharing". He mentions OpenWetWare which is an effort to promote the sharing of information, know-how, and wisdom among researchers and groups who are working in biology & biological engineering among others. Interesting read.

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