We have been exploring the different types of student response systems for use in our middle school. I know as soon as we purchase one kind, someone will tell me we should have purchased item X. So how about it....which do you use? What are the pros and cons of the devices you have been using at your school. We have looked at the Quizdom, and Senteo brands.
We love the SMART senteos because they are easy to use, can export results to Excel and work great with SMART notebook software. We use to have Interwrite PRS at one school and then they got Senteos and now the Interwrite PRS don't get used anymore. There are also lots of good Senteo resources on the web.
We use CPS systems by eInstruction. We LOVE it. The best part is that it's fully integrated with ExamView products, which accompany most of the textbooks in our building. You can input your own questions, embed graphics, video, or audio, and if you have ExamView, you can load their questions directly into the software. You can then print custom reports and see how each student is doing. Also, once you create a question bank or test, you can share them with other teachers.