I'm a student affairs professional recently charged with exploring the use of Web 2/3 tools to deliver student services, like career services, advising, counseling, student activities, etc. Does anyone know of an institution that is doing so?

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Here's some info on using blogs in admissions.

o Here at HSC-OIT we developed one for the HSC-College of Medicine using our CMS (Hannon Hill Cascade Server). It has a cross-section of students, from class repeaters, to graduate students to interns.

o Cornell has been hosting admissions-geared student blogs for two years (this is our third). You can find them all linked from: http://www.cornell.edu/studentlife/blogs/

o Our blogs are at http://www.naz.edu/dept/admissions/consider/faces/index.cfm We have a mix of students, who are compensated by Admissions to write, and staff (including our President).

o SUNY Oneonta's are hosted by Chat University and can be viewed at: http://blogs.chatuniversity.com/oneonta/Blog.html

o Canisius College launched our admission blog last spring. http://canweblog.canisiuscampus.net/canweblog/

o Vanderbilt has several on our Admissions site: http://www.vanderbilt.edu/Admissions/vandybloggers.php

o Here’s a link to all our blogs http://www.sacredheart.edu/pages/23374_sacred_heart_university_blog...

o Ours are at: http://www.hamilton.edu/journals

o Here at HSC-OIT we developed one for the HSC-College of Medicine using our CMS (Hannon Hill Cascade Server). It has a cross-section of students, from class repeaters, to graduate students to interns. http://medicine.tamhsc.edu/blogs/index.html

o Our admissions blog: http://welcome.risd.edu/ Our president’s blog: http://our.risd.edu whose link is mentioned in admissions documentation.
John, do any of your blogs show which students are accessing this information most consistently? I know there are tremendous resources on line for homework help, career services, advising, etc., but I'm not sure if the kids who might benefit the most are using these as much as kids who are self motivated to find these and use them.

I lead a volunteer-based tutor/mentor program in Chicago, and one of my goals is to teach our students and volunteers to draw consistently from the resources we point them to, or to do Google searches and add new resources to our list. However, with volunteers being extremely busy and students more interested in MySpace, Games and YouTube, it's a slow process of building consistent use of these learning resources.;

What are you learning about this? Do you know of sites or blogs where this student use issue is being discussed?



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