I have a student in our building who will be out of state for Medical reasons for some time. She is in AP english and the teacher is looking for dynamic ways to keep her involved with the class. I am open to any and all suggestions!
Create a wiki at wikispaces.com, then assign a different kid each week to take notes and put them on the wiki daily. You could also record lessons and post them as mp3 podcasts on the wiki. The free wiki has 2 gb of storage so you'd have around 2000 minutes of podcasts that you could have on there before filling it up. The homebound student could also post questions and comments to the wiki for the other kids to see and answer.
Do you have United Streaming/Discovery Education streaming in your school? Check their teacher center and look at writing prompts, assignment builder, etc. You can even put quizzes on line! I wrote a post today for my staff on my blog at http://ppsblogs.net/brianmckee ...hope this helps.