Hi All,
My name is Bruce. I am a physiotherapist in Australia.
We have developed leading edge notetaking and filing software - eNoteFile.
The fully-functional standard version is free.
eNoteFile is being well received in allied health environments but students and teachers can customise it to meet their needs too. You can insert your own templates and images or just use the plain or lined paper provided.
I think the requirements such as digitiser pen and keyboard entry, easy visual cue searching, online and offline capability, remote access, synchronisation and sharing of notes are similar for both allied health and education.
The physiotherapy / physical therapy market also demand functionality like password protection, mandatory fields and modified date audits which are all included free on the standard version.
Please visit
www.enotefile.com to download your free version. Some computers will require the free update to the latest .NET Framework 3.5 included in the installation process.
Thank you and I look forward to your feedback from the online education community.