My district is exploring providing students with email accounts, and I'm leading a subcommittee on exploring options and developing policies/regulations recommendations to support the initiative.

Does your district provide student email accounts? If so, what soft/webware are you using? What hurdles have been overcome? What lessons have been learned?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Hi Scott here. I am doing the same for a private school. Boston Public Schools Mass uses a terrific program Connected to Microsoft Exchange
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© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. I moved to a Private school and as a Network Admin my supervisors wants me to create a email accounts. My consultant also loves Microsoft, He claims unless you were top in your field as a Network admin it will be hard to create. Fortunately, if I go with it he will help me get it running at 10,000.00 later. My boss who pays the bills is pushing for first class. They use it in the Brookline Public Schools Brookline Mass. . She really was impressed withit as being user friendly. The cost is about the same. However first choice will give training if you dont have a consultant
scott again I meant first class will train you
We do not have "school" email account, but Hotmail has been allowed. We may be trying out the LIVE@edu format soon. Otherwise I use gmail for the most part. But not without frustrations! See my post at

Email me at if you want to discuss more.

I have used both and Both are filtered and monitored, have chat rooms that you can set up, file storage, and blogs. I just switched to because is advertising heavy unless you pay to have the adds removed.
We are testing Google Education Edition.
Two weeks ago I began using Gaggle.Net email accounts with my students (the subscription version) and have been completely impressed. Too many of my students didn't believe that "big brother" was watching them -- three days into using the accounts I have stopped having to review "flagged" e-mails. The students quickly caught on. Additionally, they have begun corresponding with me in ways that I did not invision -- sharing their personal lives. What a benefit!

You can access a lot of information by visiting the Gaggle website.



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