My district has a district license for copyright friendly music (Soundzabound) to provide great soundclips and music for our news shows and growing multimedia projects. But i am concerned about the trend I see of students just using the handy right click to grab what ever picture on the Internet they feel suits their needs. Of course I am providing information about Creative Commons and citing sources for pictures they use, but I am wondering if anyone can share sources of pictures we can use that won't be "blocked" by standard filters. Right now I must login to get them to flickrcc, and I'm not always able to be with them when they need pictures. If i am to reduce the "thievery" of right click, I need to be able to point to readily available picture sources. What are your kids using? What are you doing to teach that the right click is not the best (or most copyright friendly way) to get pictures for projects?

Tags: commons, copyright, creative

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There used to be a wonderful video for kids All Right To Copy? but when I checked it today, it wasn't avail (not sure if this is temporary). Alternatively, you might find something useful on this wiki.

Other places to find images: 5 sources for legal and free images.
The video was probably pirated. j/k

I thought educators had somewhat of a freepass with regard to copyrights under the fairuse clauses of copyright law. Oh well, what do I know.

For images I commonly use Stock Xchange as it has magazine quality images for free (you get the rights when you sign up and download). There is a higher level of the site called Stock Xpert where they will sell the rights to images (I bought an image of the Aztec sunstone, for example, for a few dollars. It made an amazing poster, btw). For music I usually use freeplaymusic.

Right or wrong, I have a hard time imagining that any copyright laws can possibly survive the coming generation. With music and movies shared and distributed so frequently, pictures are the least of right-holders troubles. File protections are broken within days (if not the day) of their implementation. The truth is copyright law will have to be updated.

On that note, thank you Marie for the 5 sources link.
This is not a picture site "per se" but a clipart one. All the clipart are in the public domain : you can use and modify them</>

Also, doing some googling, I'v...</>
We try to get them to use Flickr and ask permission from the photographer to use the photo if there is no CC license. This way, they understand the importance of asking permission (and receiving permission!) before using other people's intellectual property. (And I do not think, nor hope, that copyright and intellectual property rights are going away, as another poster has stated!) Remember, students do have some additional rights to fair use but none of them cover re-posting or publication on the Web unless the Creative Commons license or a note on the Web page states it or if they receive explicit permission from the creator not in the public domain.

One place that prides itself on an educator-created database of photos is (Pics4Learning). They request that teachers submit photos to share with other educators and students.
I often send my students to It's got high quality pictures and almost all can be used freely. Otherwise Wikipedia pictures stored at are a good choice. is hosted by our local Public broadcast channel. Its like Discovery Streaming (unitedstreaming) only free. Students can create their own login and with each picture searched, it creates automatic citations in all forms for the student to copy and paste into there bibs. I would see if your local PBS station provides a similar service.
I looked into and there is a hefty subscription fee for K-8. How did you get it for free? Maybe I am missing some free stuffs here. Thanks.
It's hosted by our local PBS channel They picked this up after Discovery wanted cash for unitedstreaming. powermediaplus is good as a free service, but I wouldn't pay for it either.
We have PMplus in our district too. I like the idea of it more than the reality--maybe the classroom teachers use it more than I do.

It just dawned on my why we don't use it on our Center (gifted K-6) We don't use clipart, we take or draw or scan our own pictures and make our own videos. I guess we just don't need it.



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