We are students enrolled in an Advanced Web 2.0 class, and we were wondering if anyone had any idea, or past experience, with using skype in the classroom. It can be between the students or between schools.


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Read about how Anne Mirtschin has used skype in her classroom.
I am an educator committed to hooking classroom around the world using skype. I have decided to create a place for YOU to list your info so that we can create a community of SKYPERS for the classroom. Please add your info. Let’s create on place where we can access each other for projects and collaboration. Here’s that link: http://skypeintheclassroom.wordpress.com/
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
Any ways of using Skype between local schools or high schools and other professors out there?
I am an educator committed to hooking classroom around the world using skype. I have decided to create a place for YOU to list your info so that we can create a community of SKYPERS for the classroom. Please add your info. Let’s create on place where we can access each other for projects and collaboration. Here’s that link: http://skypeintheclassroom.wordpress.com/
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
Yes, I have experience using Skype in the classroom. I'm a graduate student and assisted my instructor with setting up Skype sessions for our class over the summer. We used a combination of tools (Skype, ustream, ooVoo, and wikis) to broadcast and collaborate with fellow students and experts from around the world. It was a fantastic learning experience!
I am an educator committed to hooking classroom around the world using skype. I have decided to create a place for YOU to list your info so that we can create a community of SKYPERS for the classroom. Please add your info. Let’s create on place where we can access each other for projects and collaboration. Here’s that link: http://skypeintheclassroom.wordpress.com/
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
im a teacher in my first year and have used skype to bring in virtual guestspeakers from around the world. I blogged about its use here http://mrrobbo.wordpress.com/2008/09/12/my-first-virtual-guest-spea...
My Gr. 5 students have used Skype in collaborating to produce a zoho.com slideshow, with a Voki.com talking avatar, at:


I am an educator committed to hooking classroom around the world using skype. I have decided to create a place for YOU to list your info so that we can create a community of SKYPERS for the classroom. Please add your info. Let’s create on place where we can access each other for projects and collaboration. Here’s that link: http://skypeintheclassroom.wordpress.com/
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
I teach in New York, and have been collaborating with a teacher from Australia. Our students have worked on joint lessons and had been blogging and emailing together, as well as sending video email back and forth.
As a culminating activity, we did a video conference via Skype, which was terrific.
I am an educator committed to hooking classroom around the world using skype. I have decided to create a place for YOU to list your info so that we can create a community of SKYPERS for the classroom. Please add your info. Let’s create on place where we can access each other for projects and collaboration. Here’s that link: http://skypeintheclassroom.wordpress.com/
Thank you,
Ken Kellner
I work at a high school, and I just discovered that Skype isn't blocked. I had a brief discussion with one of the assistant principals, who also is a Skype user, about the possibilities of using Skype in the classroom and other ways it could be used in the school. I was thinking that it would be a good way to interview people in the workforce for career preparation activities.

Since I thought Skype was blocked, I never gave it much thought before last week! I look forward to reading the discussions here.





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