My district has a district license for copyright friendly music (Soundzabound) to provide great soundclips and music for our news shows and growing multimedia projects. But i am concerned about the trend I see of students just using the handy right click to grab what ever picture on the Internet they feel suits their needs. Of course I am providing information about Creative Commons and citing sources for pictures they use, but I am wondering if anyone can share sources of pictures we can use that won't be "blocked" by standard filters. Right now I must login to get them to flickrcc, and I'm not always able to be with them when they need pictures. If i am to reduce the "thievery" of right click, I need to be able to point to readily available picture sources. What are your kids using? What are you doing to teach that the right click is not the best (or most copyright friendly way) to get pictures for projects?

Tags: commons, copyright, creative

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Yes, yes, yes!
Well, tech skills are a moving target. Look at typing. Email is just so passe to kids nowadays. They SMS all day with their thumbs, not their fingers, and eschew email. Me, I use voice-to-text technology to send emails and compose posts and letters, so typing is less important to me these days. Yes, they need basic skills but I am not sure what they will need five years from now.
Keep up the good fight, Nancy. Hope you see progress!
Maybe writing on a computer will become passe someday but I doubt it. What I see is the expectation that kids can type--making webpages, blogging, doing research projects, writing books and articles---BUT the kids can't type so everything takes much longer than it should. You probably don't think kids should learn their multiplication tables because they can use a calculator!! Ah, the world is a changin'.

Did I mention I retire in a year or two! You'll be left with all the slow typing non-multiplers, haha. Happy Election Day. N
Gee, Nancy, you mean you're not going to train them all for me before you retire? :>

You know, you may be right about typing but if there is one thing that we know about technology it's that we can't predict the future by looking at the past. I mean, who 10 years ago could've imagined the Web giant that is Wikipedia? Who voting in '96 could have imagined that we now can get any information we want (and more) on any candidate and any issue? Saying that any tech skills we've been teaching the last few years will be important in another ten is just a guesstimate.
best wishes
Agree, times they are a changin' but haven't you noticed most of the pundits praising Web 2.0 aren't teachers? Do you remember eBoard? Big Chalk? Classroom Connect? RiverDeep? All the "next best things" are either gone or charge a fee. We shall see what happens.

IMHO anybody who thinks all the texting, IMing, video uploading, music stealing teens are tech literate are kidding themselves. Enjoyed the discussion, N.
Now that's what I would be focus on -- media and information literacy.
Thanks for the back and forth, Nancy
I've been teaching and using technology for years---since the days we got on the Internet through Mosaic!! I also presented around my district, state and at NECC for years. I have some really strong opinions about technology then and now so it's fun to discuss. You can see our tech related projects here. Enjoy!!



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