I started doing 2O minute technology trainings with the staff at my school, but I am looking for other ideas. So far I have had sessions on Flickr and Audacity. Anyone have any ideas of what you do with your staff or would love to get a training on if you could?


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We're just starting but I'm gathering some links together. The neatest thing is the overlays---check it out and let me know if you need more info. N
I haven't had a chance to look at it yet, but I will soon and will let you know. Thank you for your offer!
I just recently used Google Earth with student to estimate distances using the ruler function. Students found the school and that was their starting point and put a place marker. They would then find the given location and put a place marker there. The would then estimate the distance and use the ruler function to find the actual distance. This was a Math lesson that I team taught with the classroom teacher. It also proved to be a intro into google earth.
Sounds like a great lesson. My geography teachers are looking for a good way to introduce Google Earth, but this also sounds like the math teachers would like it too!
Does your school have Smartboards? Our school recently acquired a few, and once teachers get the proper training, they are excellent teaching tools. The problem is finding someone like yourself to do the training! Also, you might consider looking at 'delicious'....hope this helps.
Yes, we do have smartboards-4! I have done some initial training on them, because we have some in our computer labs. The hardest thing I have found is trying to come up with something creative enough to use the smartboard for and making it a great lesson. I know some of the teachers in my building struggle with that too.
For your younger students in first and second grade, try http://www.roythezebra.com and have fun with the interactive games.
I believe if you go to the smartboard website, they have on line training.
My goal is to have the teachers walk out the door knowing something about the particular program I am highlighting that they did not know before. Kind of like Tech Tips for future use.

My objective for the rest of year is to get into the classrooms more. I switched counties and schools this year and have been learning about many of the software programs that the teachers in my building already know about. I knew about these programs, but hadn't gotten a chance to use them before.
I've really discovered Mindmaps during a conference and these tools might be really interesting for you and your colleagues.

I've done a little blog post on it and really recommend the use of mindmaps (in project managment in my case)

Are you interested in Sykpe? If you would like to demonstrate it's capability you can Skype with my technology classes.
I am interested in Skype, but there again, I need time to learn about it! This is a free program, correct? I would be interested in learning more, sure!



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