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BAD news, your kiddos have to be 13 to participate in a ning. Why don't you do some research at That's what they do, collaborative projects. Good luck, N.
Hi Nancy,
Thank you for the information! I took a look at epal site and think this is what we need for our collaboration project. I signed up for epal site but I am still trying to figure out how to use it. Is there any other simple how to site I can get help from?

I am also thinking about using for younger students. Any suggestions? Thank you!
The only thing I know about classblogmeister is it is slow. Check the epals "help" section.
Hi Everyone! My name is Diana. I am currently a graduate student at C.W Post. As part of my final year assignment I have decided to start a global connections project. So, I just started a ning network:

I am looking to spread the word about my network and get some suggestions about how to collaborate with other teachers. Any ideas? I have a third grade special education class in New York. I'd love to find some international partners to join in some activities with my class.

FYI, your kids have to be 13 to use ning. That aside, why don't you check out Their thing is collaborative projects.
HI all !! I am Gaurav Kumar from Noida thats India. I am working as a software engineer and i like making friends from differnt part of the world.
Hey all, I'm Chris, this is my first year working in education, as an Instructional Technology Specialist in Pittsford, NY. I'm looking forward to learning from all the discussion here and trying some new things with technology in schools.
Hi! I am Amy Hess, a 5th grade teacher recently (in the past week!) turned tech coach for my district for (K-8) teachers. I should now have the time to explore all of the web tools I have dreamed of and share those with teachers in my district. I am looking forward to networking with others who have more experience and those others who are starting out in this capacity. I am in Elizabethtown, PA.
Hi everyone! Jessica Nikula, high school English and social studies teacher from Parksville, BC, Canada, here. I would love to collaborate with other English and social studies teachers. Through a Univeristy of Alberta course that I am taking, I have been learning about many of the great "new" Web 2.0 tools available. I would love to hear about how other educators are incorporating these into their teaching. I am looking forward to the dialogue that takes place here.
I am Maureen Schoenberger. A teacher in Medford NJ. I teach k-5 computers and teach 4th and 5th Grade Gifted and Talented. I also am the webmaster for our school. I have been teaching for 9 years now (only 6 in tech) and LOVE IT! I couldn't imagine doing anything else! I am also the mother of two little cuties! So my life is pretty hectic and crazy like many of you and love NING. it is the only network site I check reguarly. Sorry, not a twitter bug! I like NING better because everything is in one spot. I don't have time to be checking anything else. Love all of the great resources and forum questions. Looking forward to participating:)
I teach gifted kiddos, too. You might enjoy
Hi everyone, Christine Robinson here. I'm a middle years teacher from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and I'm exploring this site for an assignment in one of my master's courses. I am currently enrolled at The U of Alberta and am taking master's courses online, and one of my classes is all about Web 2.0 tools. It's very interesting and I am learning a lot. Looking forward to learning more.
Christine :)



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