I am looking for help on creating a specific graph in Excel. I have a teacher who wants a bar graph with dates on the x axis and population growth on the y axis. However, every time I try to create this graph, the dates either show up as the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 or 1900. Not 1960, 1970, 1980, as I have them entered into column A in the spreadsheet. Can anyone give me any ideas for how to fix this?

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format the cell and change it to text instead of number
Thanks, but I had already tried that. It turns out that I would need to select column B and create the chart and then add column A in later when I needed to change the series. Thanks for replying and trying to help-I appreciate it!
struggled with this before and the only way I can do it is to choose an xy scatter
to associate each column with data then after graph is made right click
and change back to bar....seems weird but strangely logical give
all the known Excel bugs...hope that helps
I think you need a column chart not a bar if you have years in A and population in B and want dates on X and pop on y.

Anyway, the solution of dates not numbers is on the series tab of the step 2 of making a chart.

I have a power point slide with the steps broken down to this point. I think you know how to take it from there. If you need more help let me know. I hope this helps.
darcie, jodie

attached is I what understood
hope it helps
if not let me know
Thanks everyone! I had a friend who figured it out for me and we were able to use it in class!
I think this is what you need to do.

first convert the numbers in col A into text
then set your graph range to the values in col B
then set your x axis to the text in col A

Example is attached

Let me know if this helps



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