So I've been mulling this over for a couple of months, and I think we should do it.

I'd like to propose that as a community we work together to create a book on the uses and impact of Web 2.0 in education. This could be in the form of a wiki or a downloadable PDF file, or both, and would involve the outlining of the the book's contents, then working together to write it. We would want chapters introducing Web 2.0 principles and pedagogies, specific technologies by category (blogs, wikis, social networks, etc.), and give lots of practical examples of their actual use both for classroom application and professional development.

Of course, the content will need to be updated and/or changed with some regularity, but if this idea is a good one, we could schedule to do minor changes every 6 months and major changes every year.
If we were to have a print version (Lulu?), or if a publisher (dreaming?) wanted to pick it up, we could use any revenues to help sponsor the free workshop series.

There are a number of questions we'd have to answer if we decided to do this: how do we delegate and oversee contributions, who would do final edits, what platform would we use to write it (wiki, Google docs, other?), what license to release it under, and many more I'm sure you will think of that I haven't. I'm going to propose that we hold an Elluminate session to talk these through and do the initial organizing, but before we do so I thought it might be good to get some feedback from you first.

Do you like the idea? Do you have any initial thoughts?

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1. I think I'm personally most interesting in the creation of a "playbook" for teachers with good descriptions of what the tools are and then specific examples of how to use the tools in pedagogically significant ways. If that helps with administrators or legislators, I'd see that as an added bonus.

2. Any wiki format will require substantial work to get into PDF form, unless I've missed a tool out there. I think Drupal has a book creation tool, but I haven't looked at it in depth. Anyone know of a wiki-->book software or service?

3. Probably the same as #2.

4. I'd like to model the participative aspects of Web 2.0 in the creation of the book, without constraining the ability to contribute. At the same time, I think it would be good to have some selection process. Ideally for me we'd have a wiki format, allowing anyone to contribute into pre-defined sections, and then we'd have a way to identify specific contributions which would make it into the PDF. That way we're both inclusive but also selective enough for the print version that people can trust it's worth the time to read or paper to print. Make sense?

5. I agree. I think it has to allow commercial use if a publisher wanted to pick it up. Do we allow derivative works? My sense is no.
1. The problem with writing a cookbook (playbook) is that it doesn't necessarily teach you to cook, only follow the recipes. My concern is that by giving a few examples, too many people would assume the list is comprehensive.

2. I copy the text out of a wiki, paste it into open office, export as pdf .. We'd have to do that copy/paste thing once for each section/chapter ... "substantial work"? And why are we talking pdf?

5. I said CC-BY-AT ... what I meant was CC-BY-SA and we probably want to add NC so that somebody can't take the wiki and sell all or part of it without the say so of the group. The two issues are - under what terms are contributors making their contributions and under what terms are we making the collected work available. I see those as separate and not necessarily the same.

For example, if Steve writes a chapter and I change one paragraph and add another, there's no really good way for steve and i to get attribution for the pieces we wrote. There is legitimate licensing in the name of the group once the work is completed so that if somebody outside the group takes the finished product and adds to it, changes it, or otherwise mashes it up with content we don't know about, they can provide attribution to the group without necessarily caring who wrote the specific paragraph(s) they used.
Wow! What an awesome endeavor...I'd love to help!

If at all possible, I think it would be advantageous to publish in both on-line and print formats, that way we’ll reach the largest audience. And, who knows, maybe we can even migrate some of the “resistors” to the category of “integrator”, technologically speaking.

I also like S. Hargadon’s idea of creating a “charter template” to help get sections going; not that we should limit content to the template…but it might help get the creative thoughts flowing.

Personally, I’m OK with whatever communication avenue the group selects, as well as wiki vs. Google docs, whatever…I’ll make it work.

Looking forward to collaborating with you!
I would be interested in helping on the project. I am currently working on a dissertation developing a staff development plan using web2.0 technologies.
So here's an option. Let's see if it takes hold. Go here and sign in with a Google account:

I've created a Google Moderator Series for the initial brainstorming related to this book. Within the series, you have several topics. These are the topics I thought of so far, based on what people have said.

We already know that images, video, and other resources will be important. How can we structure an accompanying wiki to complement and extend the book's structure. Ning? MediaWiki? Wikispaces?

Do you have a preferred template or pattern for presenting the information in print form that would be most helpful to teachers?

Writing/Editing Process
Should we create editing teams that each work together to tackle different categories or chapters? What other things should we remember to think about before we start contributing / editing ?

Distribution & Licensing
List all the possible distribution & licensing methods here.

List all of the possible audiences for this book here.

Categories for Classroom2.0 book
List all the possible categories, chapters, or sections the book here.

More Questions!
What other questions should we consider as we design this book?

Now, I know that we could do something similar in a Ning group or a forum, but what's powerful about Moderator is that we can all asynchronously and anonymously VOTE on other people's ideas. Participants can also create new topics to be voted on. Over the process of time we'll see what floats to the top!

I'm curious to see how this works for the initial brainstorming phase. Then, when we're ready to move into execution, we can move things to another venue.
This is fascinating. I didn't even know "Google Moderator" existed. Yikes.

I'm wondering *relative* lack of response to this book idea (not to take away from those who have responded) means that I shouldn't push this idea. Or it could be that we just need to start it and people would come on board--but that's not necessarily a good way to do thing always!

Another option would be to find out what people in the network would want to write, just letting them write about anything, and we'll collect it and publish it. Then, as gaps become apparent, wee could encourage other chapters, but would this approach would make it much more inviting?
Steve, I think you are right. You have a great group of people offering already. As we start, I am sure more will come on board and those of us who are in will have contacts on classroom20 that we can bring in if needed. I still like the collective idea and going with google moderator.
I have always tried to start 'small', to make things easier and then it does always snowball. Your discussion has only been on for a few days, and some people may only visit this site once a week or so.
Has anyone looked at for a collaborative publishing project? I read much of their FAQ, and emailed to make sure they would be comfortable with a Creative Commons license if we used them, and they said yes.
Hmmm.. Maybe if you had a focus and/or structure already in mind (a little top-down, I know) and then sent out a blast email to everyone on the network, those who were interested could start building a wiki.. or something?? I don't know, but I still think it's a great idea.
I agree with Allison. We are early in the brainstorming phase. Let's use Google Moderator to vote on a "strategic" direction and then use a wiki or Google Docs to brainstorm/outline ideas. Let's leave it open for a period of time and those who contribute are on the team.
OK, I agree with both of you. If this core group here can help to develop the structure and the path forward, then we can open it up to general contributors by sending out an email, and even having one or more Elluminate sessions for Q&A and instructions.
I think this is a great idea. I would love to be part of the discussion. I've been thinking about writing a book, collecting the stories of the ways that teachers have been affected by their Web 2.0 experiences. I started a wiki a while ago to try to start collecting ideas.



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