I would like to show YouTube videos in my classroom but YouTube is blocked at my school. I've tried copying the code into my wiki but it still shows up blocked. Any suggestions on how I can copy the video to place either in a wiki, blog, or website to show to my class?

Tags: video, youtube

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I had the same problem and found a solution by utilizing Tooble at home to find YouTube videos and then convert them for use. It has worked fairly well.

Chris Miraglia

i neglected to provide the Tooble link. Here it is http://tooble.tv/. It is free download.

Thanks. Sounds exactly what I'm looking for. I'm anxious to give this a try.

Is Teacher Tube blocked too? If not, there are many great videos there. Another good place to look is PBS teachers. If you use Mozilla Firefox browser you can add a browser plugin to download videos from You Tube, Teacher Tube, PBS to your machine. Hope this helps.
This is exactly what I am looking for: One of our teachers is reading "The invention of Hugo Cabret" and I was looking for the movie "Trip to the Moon". I found it but then our school blocks the site too! Thank you... which suggestion worked the best for you?
We just finished reading Hugo, too. We used Moodle for online book discussion and enjoyed online resources including A Trip to the Moon. You can find the non-YouTube film here http://www.archive.org/details/Levoyagedanslalune

Let me know if you want other related links.
Hello Jennifer,
Am I able to view your moodle site as a guest? We have Moodle, but I have not as yet got it up and working for elementary students. I loved the book.
All the best,
Yes, use baguest as username and password. You'll see links called Web Stops at the bottom of the questions to see other online connections. Did you know there is a wonderful "extra" on the audio book DVD with a great interview with Selznick (30 minutes long)
What is the link to the moodle site?
Thank you, I am in your moodle site. Nice How did you set up your questions? I am right at the point of jumping into the water on this.. I have a great class to start with.. I like the way you have set up the site. Are all students given access? For the elementary school I would like to start by running the moodle site myself. At the high school level with have some teachers using it to run courses.
Yes, there is a discussion and that discussion includes my "true confessions" about how I feel about online book discussions. I LOVE the idea of it but I never got the results I wanted, I teach gifted kids with gifted ideas and gifted writing skills and was never able to pull it off. Go to the other discussion to see why(?)

Add each question as a activity, choose form but it has to be a single simple discussion. All students are given access. One option for you is to start small (5-6 kids) , it can take hours a week to read and respond. I've done it with as many as 45 kids and it is a big job.



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