I'm an elementary (K-6) Tech Resource Teacher who has been given the opportunity to give a 1.5 hour workshop in February for secondary (7-12) Social Studies teachers. The objective is for them to walk away with something that they can use in their classrooms that involves technology integration. Other than that, I have free reign on how to plan. My question: what do secondary Social Studies teachers like? What works? What do you suggest?

Tags: Secondary, Social, Studies, workshops

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I have a primary source blog where you might get some ideas.
Brian, I recommend you identify departmental goals and then demonstrate ways technology can help achieve them. For instance, if a department goal is to help students analyze primary sources, then bring teachers to the Library of Congress American Memory project, the National Archives site, and the Internet History Sourcebooks. A exemplary primary source activity is “Why Did Slavery Emerge in Virginia?”
If teachers are striving to differentiate their instruction and assessment, and elicit different student intelligences, consider a multimedia magazine project, a group audio blog, a student-created web site, or an oral history podcast. I have several examples from my classroom:
There are plenty of annotated resources and lessons at my Best of History Web Sites portal and my Teaching History with Technology site.
The key is that the technology support pedagogical goals. Best of luck!
Thanks, Tom and Nancy!
Hi, I am a Geography and Social Studies teacher from New Zealand (NZ Y9-13 = US Y8-12).

I often use web2.0 tools to set up and conduct my Social Studies lessons. Feel free to have a look.

You might want to click on the 'social studies' category on the right hand side of the blog.
Thanks--it will be great to show these examples!
Wow! Since the request is to be technology focused, this will be a good resource to post on a blog, etc. I appreciate your sharing.
Hi Brian! When I taught, we always had workshops with theory and never anything to take back that was ready to roll without a lot of thought. For this reason, I have been creating a website with engaging activities for use with an LCD projector in the classroom. I don't have as much for Social Studies, but I'm currently working on adding to this area.

Sites for online bellringers - Newsmania is one of my favorite sites for social studies, and works out well for a bellringer activity. It's a 10 question current events game, but I'm not sure how often it is updated (I'm thinking weekly) Try it out: One more great bellringer is Batter Up (not Apple/Mac friendly) at

A great place to look for activities is Quia, Click on Visit Quia Web. At the bottom right hand corner, you'll see shared activities by subject. The best games are rags to riches, battle ship, and hangman. They have an advanced search, so your teachers might have great luck at finding something well-suited to what they are teaching. Quia is awesome. You can sign up for $50 a year and make your own games, turn the games into tests which are automatically graded, and link them to a personal page. You can get a free trial for a month. This was the best investment I ever made as a teacher. It takes time at first, but the next year you teach is a breeze if your teaching the same subject.

Last but not least, you might try my website to see if you like any of the activities listed there. I'm in the process of creating a new site with a searchable database of activities. Here's the old site. My navigation bar had issues so I had to replace this with buttons. You have to click on the separate areas for more activities (ie. world history, world geography, US history) If you have to kill some time, I would let your teachers explore for about 20 minutes and see if they can find a site that they might be able to integrate into a unit. Warning - most of these sites require Flash, Shockwave and java script plug-ins so you have to make sure the computers have these installed. If you get on each computer and play with a just a few of these games, you'll know your computer is good to go. Good Luck! kim
Awesome, Kim! You rock! Great ideas!
Jan. 16, '09
Hi everyone,
I thought I'd let you know, that as I write this, that we're having our big planning meeting in my office this morning and am running off your ideas and placing at the seats. We're going to be finalizing plans and going back to review your ideas. Thanks for your help!



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