Hi! I am currently writing a project for my students where they create a simple survey (two questions) and then collect data about the two questions. They will need access to a tool where they can access people all over the world and or country (depending on thier question). Any ideas for web based applications that would help my students collect data from a variety of people? Thanks so much!

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Google forms, as demo'd by Dr. Z in this morning's ISTE Innovation session, would be ideal for real-time surveys.
Great! Thanks for the feedback Jeff.
Move Over Survey Monkey Google Forms is here and its Free
A great tool for teachers or students to collect data is a survey. Survey Monkey was the Web standard, but there is a small fee involved. However, Google Forms is powerful enough for most surveys and you are not limited to the number of surveys you send out. It does not have the disaggregation of data tools that Survey Monkey has but you can't beat the price. Free


how to video
Hi lisa, I have recently used survey monkey which is an online free survey making tool, This may be used ful for your students.
Hi Lisa - This is really easy to do with the spreadsheet function in Google Docs

also, poll everywhere
Hi Lisa,
I have used Zoho and formsite. They have both worked for me! Good luck! Anna
Thanks everyone for the great ideas! I really appreciate the feedback...
Hi Lisa,
I use Polldaddy for polls and Surveypirate for surveys. Both are free of charge and very good.
They also have no limitations so you can create as many polls or surveys per month as you like.
Limewire is free and open source. It needs to be installed on a server. They will also host it for free.
polleverywhere or surveymonkey
This is my favorite survey tool which is free.


You can view the survey here
I use surveygizmo because I can create surveys or polls. I can also create surveys based on templates provided, start from scratch or work off of another survey I have already created. The later is the most convenient because once I have established a recipe for success I like to stick to it and the students are familiar with the structure and formatting.

You can customize your reports to view data in 3D graphs or export to excel. You are even provided with embedding code so you can place it directly into your wiki, blog, etc.

Hope this helps!




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