For an upcoming book I'm writing, I'm looking for teachers who are using MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or some other social networking forum in their teaching. Obviously, these sites are controversial, and that's why, I think, I'm having difficulty finding teachers who are using them in an educational setting. I have lots of examples of teachers who use blogs and wikis, but I'm not finding many examples of teachers who use social networking sites that are commonly used outside of schools. Any assignment ideas would be welcome and you will be credited in my book!

Tags: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, networking, social

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we're using yammer at my company... dubbed the "twitter for the workplace"
If you email me your request to I am happy to forward to a teacher who is using it for you. Then they can contact you direct.
Thanks, Pennie! I will send you an email now.
I'm interested in this discussion because our company, which offers Web 2.0 and Learning Management solutions, is currently considering integrating a Social Networking element into our platform. I look forward to reading everyone's posts.
I haven't used Facebook, but I have started a closed Ning for my Investigative Environmental Science Class. We've also invited other educators, parents, and community members to join. Last week, a parent started a discussion about the Space Spiders and if they thought the spiders would adapt to no gravity. Wow! Conversations about science between parents and a group of middle schoolers? I was pleased as punch! We're still learning how to play nice on a social network (why I'm glad it's private for the moment) and developing our PLN's. If someone is ever interested in joining, just send me a comment.
I Terri I would love to join your class ning
I'd also be interested in joining! Thanks for responding. Sounds like an interesting project!
Hi Terri, thank you for sharing. Can I join?
I use IBM's MentorPlace to collaborate with students' science research project.
I've not heard of this. Do you have a url?
it's a partnership with IBM
Hi William,
I'm using a Ning site with my 6th grade students. The course is called Learning Studio and is meant to teach into new literacy skills. I'm happy to invite you into the site so you can see some of the work going on, or to talk more via email. Currently, I'm working on my EdD at Teachers College (in the English Education program with an eye towards new literacies) while teaching at a middle and high school in Manhattan. I have a lot of thoughts on social networking in schools and would welcome the dialogue. -Tom



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