Okay, I spoke to a teacher yesterday that had a great excuse for NOT taking her kids to the computer lab:

"It takes 7 minutes to get there. If it takes seven minutes in both directions, that is 14 minutes out of the day. Too much time wasted!"

So, that leads to today's contest:

What is the best excuse you have ever heard from a teahcer NOT to use technology?

(Posts will also be mirrored on my blog site: tinyurl.com/vp9ta)

Tags: and, excuses, learning, teaching, technology

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An excuse from administrators - "This isn't our priority. Literacy and Numeracy are!"
yes we need to be able to read C 19 books and do C20 sums for the age before electronics.....
'I have a full teaching load, if they want me to learn new things, then they need to get me off class to do it'

'teachers are too busy preparing work and marking' - assume analogue activities

'we can't get into a computer room' - (never meaning, I might need to plan ahead by more than an hour)

'im not a computing trained teacher, so it's not my job'

'I can't get access to a projector' - we have 2 portables, used 4 times in 12 months!

'I use a text book - because they have to actually read that, not click it'

'if I had a laptop, then I might use it' - (or take it home, never to be seen or used again)

'I am cant use a computer' - (unless looking for a new house on RealEstate.com, checking eBay, Hotmail, FaceBook, the Bank Account, Paying a bill - ie WHEN IT SUITS MY NEED)

'I've managed to teach for 20 years my way, why would I change now?' - (old people)

...the list goes on.
and on,
and on.....!
Waooo... this is some kind of an international agreement from many teachers. Digital competence is nothing that I want to participate in... ;)

Why must school (learning?) be based on text and nothing else? Read, write, analyse a text.... that´s ok... but what about pictures, video, art, music and so on...

It´s NOT about you as a teacher.... It´s about the next generation, and they live in a digital world. Soooo... join the classroom20 network. It´s rocking :)) and soon reach the 10.000 level of envolved peoples that will make some change... hopefully.
'I've managed to teach for 20 years my way, why would I change now?' - (old people)

that is not fair on "old" people

i have been teaching for 30 years and in each and every year i have embraced technology for learning

what would stop me is someone saying... you're too old to ....

be on facebook
play games
mountain board
etc etc

never play the age card.. please
"Because I have managed to teach without it for the last _____ years and gotten by just fine" - and then they proceed to complain about how the kids don't pay attention! (duh!)
I"'m too old to learn powerpoint"

i wept...
This is just a priceless list. I just had to link this discussion off my website. http://www.cyndidannerkuhn.info I think I am going to show it in my pre-service teacher class next semester. Maybe it will get them thinking!!

"Having that fancy probe stuff make the graphs for the kids is dumb. They need to be able to use graph paper and pencil to plot the lines by hand first... that's the only way they will learn it. And then maybe... maybe we will use the probes."


(though not MY quote)
I haven't heard any excuses at this time for NOT using technology. All my kids' teachers use technology to help enhance the education they are currently receiving. We are fortunate to be in a school district that believes in utilizing technology with traditional classroom methods.

"Can't go to the lab today, the kids are doing their Geography worksheets. We can't waste on the web or playing."

The class was scheduled to go on Google Earth that day...



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