Our district is currently using InfoCentre for library automation. Due to a system upgrade and general disappointment with the system, we are no longer going to support the software in the 2009/2010 school year. Does anyone have a library automation software package that school librarians, students and teachers find useful and easy to use. Also, is anyone using Destiny by Follett? If so, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Tags: automation, destiny, follett, infocentre, library

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My school is in the same position. We are in desperate need of upgrading from a dinosaur called Winnebago by Sagebrush, which has been recently taken over by Follett. We have MAC, and Follett is geared towards PC. But they offer an Online resource that I like and offers a lot of service to teachers, students and library services . I am very interested in getting Destiny Library Manager which seem to have all the bells and whistle. I had a great conference chat and hands on demonstration with a representative. She offered it to me for a month to try out and play around with. It was very user friendly. Anyone want to chime in?

Hello Jared,

My friend have a system for library automation, that make from a software, namely SLIMS, (Senaya Library Information Management System. You can trace it.

Atik Suwanto



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