Hello All,

Does anyone have gardening links they like, about gardening in school, in the classroom, gardening for science lessons, gardening for math lessons, gardening for nutrition lessons? Anyone doing gardening projects with their students? Anyone have gardens in their classrooms?
Also, how about gardening analogies, describing internet use for teaching and learning?

Tags: gardening, growth, networking, resources, science

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I will be interested in what people respond to you with. I am also looking for gardening links. We will be reading a book in our class titled Seed Folks.
I read that book, Julia; found it delightful and very uplifting. Thanks for reminding me about it.

I hope people have some gardening sites or projects to share.

Thinking of doing something with our elder partners, as an intergenerational project.

What class are you reading Seedfolks in?
6th grade Language Arts

We are going to take the concept from the book and have kids research different plants for gardens based upon their own backgrounds and experiences. They will have to choose a plant and explain what the plant has to do with them. As we get the project more defined, I'll post it for you.
I sorrt of miss the green grass where I am -just the #old surroundings thing


gardens/landscapes etc
awesome reference, Jim--thanks!
This is a good time of year for thinking about garden plans.
With all the emphasis on "green schools" and environmental knowledge, it would seem that gardening in school would be relevant and meaningful. Why isn't it more common? It has so many components: science, math, caring, responsibility, planning, food production, beauty, art...
But gardens take time. Maybe that's the difficulty. And space, too (although I know some teachers who have great window gardens, in small spaces).
I've been amazed at how children will tenderly nurture a bean plant. And then remember the project years later as something they did that seemed really important. So simple, with lasting value, and a wide range of cross-discipline applications for learning.

I've added some gardening links on my delicious page: http://del.icio.us/josteen/gardening
Try http://www.kidsgardening.org/teachers.asp#les and http://www.gardening-with-kids.com/
plant eb quest http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/gpe/ and http://www.cln.org/themes/gardening.html which is a list of sites. My favorite is http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/nutrition/ideas/forkids.html

I took these off my delicious list. Hope it helps!
Thank you so much, Julia and Kelley! Now I've added them to my del.icio.us bookmarks!
Hello Connie!
Vanakkam Greetings from Chennai, India
Am an environmental educator in India. Am trying to initiate a small programme, where the school students are guided do the gardening and landscaping of their campus. Am also trying to make it a part of their regular curricular activity.

Would any of you, in the group be able to guide us in this venture, or share links to the web pages where electronic version of the curriculum could be found. Your support would be of immense help.
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I have found helpful curriculum and links through the California Native Plant Society and the Theodore Payne Foundation If you join you can also get discounted seeds and plants
Hello Jennie and All,
Glad to see this forum reactivated. Thank you so much for the resources.
This link will take you to a similar discussion at Fireside, one that is talking about fostering awareness and contact with nature--there are some good gardening resources there, too. It's great to share these projects!
I am starting composting with my students after the first of the year in conjunction with our Organisms and the Enviornment unit. I went to a South Carolina Science Convention where a group of fifth grade teachers from another district presented their integrated composting unit (they integrated into math, reading and language arts). What really impressed me was the fact that students blogged about their project and observations daily (http://csehuskies.blogspot.com/). That seriously got me started thinking about blogging in general with my students. Once we start up I'll do something similiar with our blog (www.mrsheatonsclass1.blogspot.com). I would also like them to podcast or put together an instructional video in conjunction with the project as well. If you are intersted in composting I highly recommend www.redwormcomposting.com. They have GREAT instructional videos (very step-by-step....which is just what I need).

I personally have not done any gardening...and I tend not to have a green thumb at all but I am hoping to build my interest slowly with this unit. A friend of mine in one of the middle schools who is SERIOUSLY into gardening got a grant for a rain barrel that is pretty impressive.



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