Come on, fellow Canucks (and I don't mean the hockey team!) -- come in out of the snow. Take off your mukluks and tuques. Fortify yourself with a double-double and a plate of Nanaimo bars. Put the u back in 'neighborhood' and let's see if we can't prove that (with apologies to Frank Zappa) the distance between us is not very far!

I hope you'll leave an image here of your school, class, or community or a link to your blog for others to enjoy, and then join a new group in Classroom 2.0 called Canadians Mashup. Please feel free to pass on this invitation to other Canadian educators and bloggers. I'd love to see the network grow. OK, eh?!

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For those who aren't familiar with it, I'd like to add my Active Learning Blog Carnival , a monthly journal of submitted articles based at the University of Saskatchewan.
Hi Sue

I'm in!

Dean from Edmonton, Canada
You'll find me in Ontario and you can count me in!
Welcome, Ontario.
I think you can count me in. Thx. for the invite Sue.
Welcome Dave: There seems to be some confusion about how to get to the group. Go to the Sue Hellman page and you should see on the left a Canadian map under ‘My Groups’. If you click on that and then look beneath the main banner (right of center), you should see a green + with ‘Join this Group’. If you click there that should do it.

If you add yourself to the map, please include a name or a photo of some sort. There are a number of unidentified people from unidentified places and the map is getting stuck on Kansas for some reason. The problem is that I can't tell from the members’ list which anonymous hits are real people and which were just false starts. The company does not differentiate members unless there is a picture or a name. Location only is not enough to help me know which entries are not real ones. THANKS!!!!
Happy to join. Thanks for the initiative Sue!
Welcome David: I see you on my personal list of colleagues but not yet on the Can Mash group list. This part has been a little confusing.

Go to the Sue Hellman page and you should see on the left a Canadian map under ‘My Groups’. If you click on that and then look beneath the main banner (right of center), you should see a green + with ‘Join this Group’. If you click there that should do it.

If you add yourself to the map, please include a name or a photo of some sort. There are a number of unidentified people from unidentified places and the map is getting stuck on Kansas for some reason. The problem is that I can't tell from the members’ list which anonymous hits are real people and which were just false starts. The company does not differentiate members unless there is a picture or a name. Location only is not enough to help me know which entries are not real ones. THANKS!!!!
thanks for inviting me and knowplace, Sue! wonderful!
Thanks for the invite Sue. I like how you operate. We definitely need more people like 'you' in the neighbourhood.

Although I call Ottawa, Canada home during my summers, I've been overseas for the last 14 years. I'm currently the technology coordinator for PK3-Grade 5 at the Shanghai American School. But, I want to return home soon to raise my two children as true Canadians. So, I'm very curious and eager to help out in any way I can.

I blog in three areas: (1) (2) and am a regular contributor to

Two outstanding Canadian Educators we need to bring in are Clarence Fisher and Dean Shareski (both Internationally known educators from western Canada)

Kind regards, Mike

Here's another Canadian teacher to add to the list:

Find me at

and my students' podcast at

and their blog is:


Nathan Toft



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