Now that's NCCE, the Northwest Council for Computer Education, Feb 17-20 in Portland, OR... I do not think there has yet been an edubloggercon type event before, so I'm proposing this:

Edublogger Meetup - NCCE 2009, on Wednesday, Feb 18th, starting about 5 PM, going until....

I've thought about starting up a wiki page for it at

Have heard from a couple of edubloggers who could/will make this time.

Anybody else? More ideas? Spread the word - thanks! - Mark

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I'm in!

Set up the page of the EduBloggerCon wiki and I will help promote it. I live in Portland OR and know quite a few bloggers who will be attending.

Twitter: ccassinelli
Colette - great! I set up a beginning wiki page, added it to the nav sidebar: Not much, but it's a start.

Twitter: mahlness

So glad you are doing this and using the wiki for this! I won't be at the conference, but I hope you have some success.
Well, all thanks to you Steve for creating these venues! Hey, have any sure fire funding sources to get teachers to conferences (that they're presenting at, but can't afford to get to on their own)...?

Happy New Year, and thanks again for all you do! - Mark
I'll be at the event itself. I'll give blogging about it a shot. If that's what you meant.
Hi Patrick. Blogging the event is great - I intend to do so, and I hope you and many others will as well. What we're trying to get started in Portland is an actual in person, F2F, gathering of educational bloggers - to share ideas, ask questions, and just get to know one another a little. If you think you can make it to a get together Wednesday evening, that would be super! Feel free to add yourself to the wiki (be brave, it's small right now, but it'll grow):
I was hoping it was F2F. Just let me know where & when.
Dear Mark,
I had signed up to present at this conference but with the budget crisis, professional development for the rest of the year has been cancelled! So when you do set this up could you contact me so I can participate?

Hi Pat,
I will be presenting at the conference. I am giving a 3hr hands-on-workshop on Google Tools 4 Teachers. I would appreciate you spreading the word if you know anyone going .

I'm concerned that budget cuts are going to affect a lot of PD and conference attendance this year.

On the EduBloggerCon site someone suggested Red Robin on Wed at 5pm. I'm going to call them to see if we can reserve a room. Hope you can make it.
Pat I do hope you can find a way. I'm in the same boat, except that there was never any PD anyway where I am - it was going to be personally financed - and that's looking shaky at best right now...

I do hope that those who can make it will find a way to bring the edublogger meetup live in some way. I know Jeff Utecht will be at the conf. Maybe somebody can hit him up to set up a thing? - Mark



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