I'm planning to start a Wiki when I get back to school. I am looking for advice, links, and uploads of sample permission slips for getting parental permission before I issue passwords and ids for the wikispace. Thanks in advance.

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Bud the Teacher has a great letter about blogging - http://www.budtheteacher.com/wiki/index.php?title=Blogging_letter

You could modify it for using a wiki.

What is your school's policy regarding such? If there isn't one, then it is time to talk to your administrators and tech committee.
There's a policy. I have it. It was updated over the summer to account for Web 2.0 innovations. I am just looking for what ideas for how teacher's go about communicating with parents and informing them about the district policies. Thanks.
TeachersFirst has a great Student Wiki Warranty that you can download and modify. Our county Acceptable Use Policy covered the legalities for me, but I wanted an additional letter to send home to parents. Hope this helps.
At the beginning of the year we send home a packet for parents to sign including district's AUP and photo release, permission to publish student work to the web, permission for student pictures, permission for penpals, email, blogs, etc. Each permission slip explains our goals and purpose--if we do a new activity we notify parents and principal. We post almost everything we do to the web, many times pics of the classroom going-ons are sent to parents on the day of the event. You can see all we've done here.
There's a sample parental permission letter on John Pearce's blog as well as a set of class rules. I found it very helpful when setting up class blogs.



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