I am doing a project for my web 2.0 class in school, and I am trying to figure out what is better to be able to use in the class room, twitter or facebook?

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Hello Skye. Depends where you are. Unfortunately you wouldn't be able to use either of those in Victoria, Australia as they would both be blocked. Riduculous but true.
I am new to the web 2.0 movement ;-)So I have not explored it on that level yet. But give me some time. However you may want to join the "Educators using Facebook" group in Classroom 2.0. When in that group, connect with the members.

Click on the "More" link and then select "Group". Search for the group.

I hope this works


Confessions of a Technology Leader Podcast
I think facebook adds a little more functionality than twitter. Plus facebook has the twitter "thing" built into it with the status updates.
Hi Skye,I am all for fb. I am in Malaysia. Here English is taught as a second language. Thus most of the pupil here does not excel in English. Especially verbally. I am wondering if there are anyone who might have a suggestion as how our pupil here could have a project that these student could collaborate.
Check out the work of Shelly Blake Plock @TeachPaperless. His blog is: http://teachpaperless.blogspot.com/

You can learn more here.
I think it depends on what it is you're trying to do -- I would say that Facebook is better for a more sustained social networking environment, while Twitter is good for short, limited discussions or activities.

However, if you're working with younger students, I would recommend a social networking site like Edmodo, rather than Facebook, because it was created specifically for education. (There's more info on my blog, here.)

As for Twitter, there are some ideas on using it on this blog post (scroll down to the "Twitter projects" section).

Good luck!
I think that it depends on what you want to do with them. Facebook is probably going to be better for collaboration on projects and other classwork. However, there are some cool projects that can be done using Twitter. Check out this Romeo and Juliet project. And don't forget the great research tool that Twitter can be. So, in the end, I think that they both have their own productive uses in the classroom.

If they are unblocked at a school, I would use both of them.
HI Skye -- I think there's plenty of potential with Twitter and generally less resistance from teachers. Is this a poll or are you looking for ideas?
I think Facebook would be good for setting up a classroom page to where the teacher can communicate with the students like posting of assignments, and the students can also ask for help on certain things that they are having trouble with while working on homework outside of class.
Hello Skye. I work at a state university which provides a blackboard based platform. However it is too little dynamic so I have setup facebook and twitter sites for my class. Twitter works better to engage students in fast lane activities. I use it a lot to send out puzzles (little problems in which they get grade points for solving a situation I pose). Fb is used mostly for groups discussions or pre exam tutoring on some subjects barely discussed in class. So it depends on the type of class and style of teaching and learning. One also must know what students use most. Mine look a lot for tweets more than fb wall messages.
Check out www.studybuddycampus.com , a free learning management system like nothing you have seen before, where you can create virtual classrooms for your students.  In these classrooms you can create and assign rich and interactive content, which includes in addition to text and questions, videos, games, ebooks and much more.  These assignments can be automatically graded for the teacher.  Your students will also be able to submit their assignments online in the form of documents such as Word, PowerPoint, Pdf, etc.

Additionally, the site provides collaboration tools, such as classroom discussion boards, where students can interact and collaborate under the supervision of the teacher.  All of this is done in a fun and game like environment where teachers and students can create their own studybuddies, which are avatar like characters.

The site also provides a grade book functionality, where students and parents can access the students grade and their progress 24 x 7, no longer having to wait for the report card.

But best of all, share assignments with fellow teachers and leverage the power of the community.  Check www.studybuddycampus.com and see how easy it is to use our free learning management tools.



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