The possibilities to engage and challenge kids here is amazing! But - the age-old question must be answered: how do we assess our students? How do we grade them and provide feedback? I've developed a simple rubric, but am looking for other ideas - big or small - to grade students' work and provide feedback to them. Ideas?

Tags: assessment, cards, feedback, grades, grading, report, rubric

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I hope I'm answering your question, here. I always have students grade themselves, according to my own rubric. They also complete self-assessments. They have to explain what they did well, where they can improve...Ultimately, I grade them according to how much they improve, referring to their portfolios.

I'm seriously considering having the kids create their own rubrics. This could be very interesting. At the very least, I'd like them to come up with their own categories.
Hello Sharon

Thank you for sharing this rubric. I use them for all assignments I give and appreciate seeing how the five skills are evaluated. I just read about Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and am on my way to the book store to get it. Thank you also for posting the links to Connective Writing by Will Richardson. I look forward to reading his work and trust that this will take me to a new level of teaching.


Leslie Lovett
Is it a book? I thought the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy was online.
I read about this book A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision... yesterday but haven't read it yet. I am new to Classroom 2.0 and especially appreciated your posts about Edorigami and the link to Bloom's Digital Taxonomy.
I knew Bloom's had been reworked for general learning and assessment but the "digital" version was the one I found online.
Hi Leslie and Nancy,
Bloom's Digital taxonomy is available only on the edorigami wiki -
There is a PDF version 2.12 which is the most current one I have available, but I am currently reviewing this and should have a newer and fuller version out shortly.
Hope this helps

Thank you Andrew! I was learning so much so quickly that I lost track of what I learned where. Your work on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy has been a huge help in my ongoing development as a teacher. Thank you for making such an important contribution!!


HI Sharon,

I am glad to hear that you found it useful. If it is acceptable to you I would love to post a copy of this onmy wiki ( to share with others.


Something I've used for web-based assessments is Jing. I would have students submit their assignments to me on Google Docs, then, I'd record a video-audio tutorial of my own commentary and revision suggestions on their papers. For the assessment, students would get a link emailed back to them. I've posted an example at under New Literacies (scroll down and click on Jing Sample). Hope it helps! - Tom
There was nothing on the "New Literacies" Page!
There are some good links to rubrics and discussion surrounding them in regard to blogging.
This post on Ryan Bretag's blog contains a link for one he has developed. Dean Shareski contributes a blogging rubric there as well.

There is also a link for one I developed for a specific project with my marine bio class, as well as a brief discussion of the pros & cons of several of these rubric elements and how they might influence writing in one way or another.

I allow kids to post onto our class blog for extra credit; however, unfortunately, not that many kids do. I like the idea of making each student have the blog each week so it "belongs" to them. I haven't done much with wikis before, but now I'm motivated! Thanks.



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